“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.” – Catherine Aird
Australia is being used as an example of what true government fear mongering looks like. New laws have been passed, you will now need a compelling reason to be allowed back into the country even if you are Australian. This guy escaping from Perth hotel quarantine by tying bed sheets together reminds me of the prison breaks you see on TV. The new set of Lonely Planet books are out.
Of course everyone (including people in Canada!) knows we are in 6th lockdown in Victoria.
NSW is still in lockdown. The NSW gov vaccination booking site was so bad that this software engineer put together a site to help some friends get vaccinated, only took him 48 hours.
Here are the current numbers in Australia. 4,460 active in NSW. 100 in Victoria.
The latest weekly TGA report on vaccine safety is out. Two new confirmed cases of blood clot from AstraZeneca, and 1 probable case of blood clot. All women, aged 34, 51, 67. The thing to watch out for with Pfizer is “Myocarditis and pericarditis” which is inflammation of the heart, more common in young men, and more common after the second dose of Pfizer, usually 14 days after. There have been 111 reports of suspected cases of this in Australia. So if you have chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitation after Pfizer then please go to the hospital. It usually just something that’s passing and resolves itself after rest, and the other important thing to note is that inflammation of the heart is common if you actually get COVID infection, so you need to weigh the risk. In the US they have OpenVAERS where individual can report the adverse effects they had with different vaccines, there are 545,000 reports to date.
Some journalist claim that COVID news is being censored to create one official narrative. We don’t have healthy debate and a balance in the news reporting to present us with raw facts.
The narrative being focused on by mainstream media is get vaccinated. This young guy alive one moment, dead the next. This 51 year old teacher from Bacchus Marsh Grammar was released from intensive care after fighting for his life from the delta strain, and tells people to just get vaccinated. A young Sydney family describe their battle with COVID. Not going to be fun if you get COVID and don’t have the energy to hang out with the kids.
Some large Australian businesses plan to stick a needle in their employees. Doesn’t really tell you if they plan to give you a choice, or if they plan to track you or not. This Asian girl is saying in the US as companies roll out their back to the office plan, they have been experiencing a mass exodus of employees, which has been called “The Great Resignation“, she also makes a good point that illiteracy in the 21st century is not someone who can’t read and write, it’s defined as someone who is unable to learn, unlearn and relearn.
The world is at 16,345,329 active cases, and 4,304,757 deaths (2% of cases). The CDC is proposing concentration camps.
State of the world
If you listen to one thing this week, please listening to this podcast about Monetary reset to zoom out and get a different perspective on what is happening in the world. First thing is just to establish is that the virus is real, there are actually people dying from it. The vaccine seems like an imperfect solution, that at least will result in you not dying. With that out of the way, here’s what I got from that podcast episode.
- Frame everything with it being about control, control of the people. China’s brand of authoritarianism is being exported the the world. Do you think we still living a democracy still?
- The vaccine passport is a chance for the state to have more control over what you are allowed to do.
- The monetary system is in trouble, and the WEF plans to have a reset in effect by 2030.
- The reset will involve the functions of the financial system being absorbed into the state with a central bank digital currency. Eliminating the need for banks. This will allow the state to have more control over monetary policy and have a look through to see what you are spend your money on.
- Instead of the state working with the financial sector as we saw in the last century, in the next century we will see the state work with big tech companies to exert more of that control over our lives.
- But there are cracks appearing with El Salvador adoption of bitcoin, and with a few states in the US also not following the narrative. eg Texas, Wyoming, Ohio, etc
- By 2030 we will either see a world where the state no longer controls money supply and each country has moved to a neutral form of money like Bitcoin or a world where the state has lots of control in your life.
Don’t sleep walk into authoritarianism in your country.
People are still protesting in France, more video here. Count the amount of people yourself as this drone flies over them. The police are attacking the firefighters. They are also protesting in Katowice, Poland. There is protest in the Island of St Vincent. Fully vaccinated people are burning their vaccine passes in Italy.
So many people protesting in Melbourne an hour before 6th lockdown.
The Queensland police put this man with no mask into handcuffs at the Brisbane Botanical Gardens, even though he has a medical exemption. He then proceeds to go seizure and went into cardiac arrest while in hand cuffs.
Know your history, curtailment of civil rights start with a government list, then the aggression.
Listen to the people (in French), they are not against protecting themselves with a vaccine, they are mostly vaccinated in France. They just don’t want a vaccine passport creating a two tier society. This guy is explaining in this tweet thread that a Vaccine passport is an issue for him personally because he had COVID, and as a result had a rare injury and needed emergency surgery. He is currently on a high dose of blood thinners. His doctors says he has natural immunity and getting the vaccine would risk fatal complications. So now he has a choice take the vaccine and risk fatal complications, or not take the vaccine and lose his freedom and effectively be purged from society.
Judging from the comments in this article, we love our nanny state and many people welcome the COVID passport here (small sample size of just comments obviously). One Australian senator showed how easy it is to forge your vaccine certificate. The title of the article should be “boomer knows how to use PDF editor”.
Apple wanted to quietly announce last week that in the future release of iOS they plan to scan your iPhones photos and report anything suspicious to authority, in the name of trying to protect the children. However this is a slippery slope as once they implement this type of mass surveillance technology it can be demanded by government that they want Apple to adjust it for another purpose. Think Hong Kong activist, think of places in the world where the government is prosecuting its people.
Listen to Matthew Green – security expert and cryptography professor at John Hopkins who broke the news about this. What can you do about it? Don’t panic, turn off iCloud. Use more private messaging services. At the moment the implementation proposed is by comparing a hash of the photo against a list of hashes. But it is something that we now need to keep in the back of our mind that Apple is no longer a privacy focused company. Remember when we had physical photo album, you didn’t let random people come into your home to scan your photos, why would you do that now in the digital world!
Finance and Economics
Other Stuff
This article thinks it’s the end of “la bise”, I can’t really see that happening if it has survived the black death. For those who don’t know what la bise is. In France when you greet people that you know or have been introduced to you by someone you know (those are the scenario I can think of). You normally give them at least 1 kiss on each cheek, sometimes 2 per check, sometimes 3 in total depending on the region they are from. I normally just go with the flow and let the other person direct how many kisses it is. You normally kiss people when you greet them, and then kiss people when you say bye. Which make it take a lot of time at family reunion, cause you kiss everyone including the kids. Guys normally shake hand and don’t normally kiss other guys except for me I can think of two males who I have greeted with la bise. And it’s not really kiss them on the cheek, it’s you kind of touch cheek to cheek and make a kissing sound.
Look at how far robots have come, when they start beating humans at Ninja Warriors then we should all be impressed and worried at the same time.
Did you know the SpaceX starships new raptor engines run on methane because we should be able to synthase that on Mars for the return trip?
How to raise ambitious kids. and How to discipline your young child.
I now understand why batteries can’t hold their charge after some time. It’s because of the formation of dendrite!!
Did you know in Australia you can now use the public pay phones in the street for free! Gone at the days when I would try to reverse charge a friend from the school’s pay phone!
I found this funny how this dad pulled an April fools prank on his girls making them think they were going to school.
I’m not sure why there’s a magpie singing at 1:30am, but anyway have a great week all!