Bitcoin and Economics
Bitcoin is Freedom talk from the recent bitcoin 2022 conference, listen to various people talk about why we need bitcoin in the world (worth watching).
This is how it started
And this is how it’s going.
Government can take away money from you in two ways. Once is the obvious tax, where your 100 dollars is reduced to 70 dollars. Or by applying that tax to the things you buy, so that your 100 dollars will buy you slightly less of that product. For example if there’s a 30% excise on fuel, your 100 dollars will now only buy you 70 dollars worth of fuel. The other way the government can take money from you is through inflation (meaning the price goes up of the things you buy). So if year on year the price of things go up by 30%, your same 100 dollars will now only buy you 70 dollars worth of stuff (the math doesn’t work out exactly to that, but you get the point). Inflation happens because of two reasons, one is that demand for that item outstrips supply so that makes the person selling want to push the price up. The other way that happens is when the government prints money. More money in the system makes everyone feel richer, so they end up buying more. Essentially inflation is a tax. This video is also worth watching if you want to understand what is happening. However I don’t agree with his view on bitcoin and gold.
What happens when food and petrol gets too expensive? If we look to Peru, there’s mass riots.
Remember your pandemic stock of food, I hope you are still keeping a stock of food, we are starting to see a shortage of food at the supermarket here in Europe. Flour and pasta is missing at the supermarket, and even the locals are starting to notice. This is not in every region. The difference with what happened in Australia where it was a demand problem with many people panic buying, now it could be the beginning of supply problem, people are buying the usual amount, but for some reason, the shelves are not filling up fast enough.
This is a very interesting episode about macro economics for those finance nerds out there. There a part I thought was interesting is that western nations played right into Putin’s hands with the sanctions and their reliance on Russia.
Universal basic income, paid by who? From Where?
In 2019 Christine Lagarde said people prefer to have jobs than to have savings. I don’t know about anyone else, but I would like both thanks. Without savings, it gets pretty close to slave labour.
Inside look at the Ledger factory in France where the hardware wallet is made.
Australian Human Rights Commission says the continuing state of emergency impinges citizens’ rights.
Brownlow medallist AFL player now has heart problems. And so it starts with the vaccine now being questioned in AFL circles.
In a country where 95% of the population is vaccinated, they are running out of ambulances in WA because of COVID.
Watch as the TGA ducks and weaves and questioned.
What’s causing all the cardiac arrest in northern Melbourne that requires defibrillators to be installed everywhere?
What is going on with Victorian education system when you are being taught this in school. Obviously not all school like that, so maybe time to change school.
Here’s a mashup of stupid thing Dan Andrew has said.
State of the World
Be aware that there has been an erosion of your individual right over the last two years.
The World Economic Forum planning documents hinted at a desire to use COVID instability to restructure society, cancel oil and gas development and censor the Internet.
Vaccine Passports Pave Way for Digital ID and Globalist Control.
Australia government are working to undermine the encryption that is used to secure our communication channels. Once a hole is created in encryption, it will only be a matter of time before hackers can exploit that same hole. This is something that will affect everyone in the world. But why should you be worried if you have nothing to hide right?
Is this environmental vandalism? It starts to look like power plants for a machine city from the matrix when you cover the earth with solar panels to cover nature. And then what do you do when that solar equipment comes to end of life?
Pandemic treaty put in place will bypass decision making from democratically elected governments.
This is extremely graphic so do not click on it, unless you want to see someone’s pet dog being killed and put in the trailer because of COVID in Shanghai. Not even the cats are safe. It’s not just animals, the human cost will be incalculable. There’s so much wasted food, are people being starved on purpose? That’s ok, you can eat bullets. I wonder if it’s all propaganda from China again.
Starlink deployment in a square in Kyiv.
Pfizer hired about 600 additional full-time employees to process adverse event reports during the three months following authorisation of its COVID-19 vaccine, with plans to hire 1,800 more by June 2021, newly released documents reveal.
The Ontario government is sharing the names of unvaccinated and unboosted individuals with doctors, and then paying doctors to push the vaccine on people.
Personal Update
As we head into the Easter break approaching into summer, I’m going to take some time to zoom out and try to find the larger picture. That is to say there will not be an update for the rest of April.
Some advice.
- Don’t believe everything that you read.
- Focus on what you can do.
- Develop your skills and your experience, ie invest in yourself.
- Develop your relationship with the people you meet, you never know who will be able to help you.
- Think for yourself, and verify everything people say
- Try to look at both sides.
- Things are going to take a turn for the worst before it get better.
- Protect yourself and your loved ones
- Be prepared for cost of living blowing out, food shortage, energy shortage
- Your job is to make it to 2030
- The data is starting to come out about vaccines. Be careful before taking medical advice from compromised doctors or non medical people.
- Lots more unexplained deaths are coming, nothing we can do, the damage is done. Spend every precious moment with loved ones.
- Have a secondary and ideally tertiary place to call home.
- Vote out the usual political parties but putting them last on the ballot papers.
- Protect yourself financially, educate yourself on bitcoin.
- Eliminate counter party risk and do not be exposed to a single bank, a single country.
Have a great month all! Feel free to reach out and touch base and let me know how everything is going.