“The universe is the singularity of a giant black hole“. I find this theory of the universe interesting and made me think about many things. Whether it’s true or not, or can be verified or not is beyond the point. Because this is how the scientific theory works. Make a theory and go through the observation, measurement and eveluation of results as per the method of scientific theory. If we don’t do such things we would never have had Newton’s theory of gravity, which worked to explain things until it didn’t anymore. And then came Einstein theory of relativity, that filled in the gaps but still incomplete and now string theory (and other new possibilities) that are being though of when thinking about how the universe works. If we didn’t practice the scientific method, we would still be trusting in authority (the church) that the sun and the planets rotate around the earth.
Which bring us to the present day COVID era, the very act of practising science is once again been outlawed. It seems if you even dare to think or question the narrative that is different to what the current priest (aka politician) are trying to push then you are labelled as conspiracy theorist, anti vaxxer, far right extremist. It is very dangerous times.
The money system is broken, is the only explanation I can give as to why 5th dose of a vaccine that doesn’t work is being pushed upon the people. The system of money is broken, you can’t just spend from your credit card forever like the governments around the world are doing and expect it to end well.
At no point in time could I imagine the voting public going to the politician and telling them we think we need a Digital ID, it’s an agenda being pushed by unelected world bodies onto the people of the world in order for them to maintain control of the world as explained by George Christensen in the Australian Parliment recently. And why should we let these people who have mismanaged the world continue to be in charge. At worst these people have been malice and ill intent toward the people they serve, at best they are incompetent.The unfortunate thing is I don’t believe there is enough people see the catastrophe that’s looming on the horizon. There is not enough people to mount a resistance but it does start with a small minority speaking up.
As Elon says, government should be the referee and not a player on the field, they should get out of the way and not get in the way of progress.
Bitcoin and Economics
For those in France (and the EU), the window for you to buy and own bitcoin is ending soon. You will be trapped in the Euro, unable to escape. The new laws that have just passed essentially require everyone to collect KYC info from everyone for ANY amount. This is not feasible, and will force cryptocurrencies companies out of the EU. They want to stop people from being able to move their bitcoin off the exchange into their own wallet, creating a mass surveillance network of people in crypto. And also allowing people in power to confiscate your bitcoin. Remember not your keys not your coins. The significance of being able to hold your own keys allows someone who was in Ukraine to get up leave, and simply go across the border with their whole life savings by simple remember 12 seed words in their head.
It will basically kill cryptocurrency in the EU jurisdiction. The new proposal could cripple crypto innovation and significantly harm individual rights and freedom in the EU, without clear law enforcement benefit.
At the end of the day it’s a loss to the EU and not to bitcoin itself. Bitcoin doesn’t care. Tim Cook (CEO of Apple) owns bitcoin. Mexican Billionaire understands bitcoin. Pierre Poilievre who is running for Canadian PM is also pro bitcoin. He has even quoted from the book the The Bitcoin Standard in parliament, it doesn’t get more pro bitcoin than that.
Of course the EU would want to kill your opportunity to own bitcoin because they are working on a digital Euro. A new bill would launch a large-scale test of digital US dollars It could complement a separate Federal Reserve program. New ECASH bill would quickly advance digital currency and replace cash.
Rupee-Rouble system and how that would work (or won’t work). There’s a huge issue when the world reserve currency is not used in transaction essentially requiring banks in both country to hold extra cash for foreign entities. And so there things that need to be considered are FX risk, and foreign country confiscating the cash reserve risk. The same thing would need to be in place for them to charge the EU in rouble I would think. More thought needed on this last point.
The issue of bank bail-in hasn’t gone away in Australia (Or any other country for that matter). You are still at risk from losing your money should the bank fail.
Ray Dalio has warned you, prepare now or be wiped out (must listen to).
Vaccine & COVID
Official Government data suggests the Fully Vaccinated are suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement; and the newly published Pfizer Documents prove Pfizer & the FDA knew it would happen.
This is interesting article on how vaccine induced AIDS develops.
Remember the below was side effect from vaccine.
I guess that’s what happens when we redefine the definition of vaccine.
Do NOT ask your GP for their opinion on vaccinating your children in Australia. Their hands are tied. Here is the AHPRA position statement. Another interesting thing is the National Board of AHPRA is composed of 2 Social Workers, 1 Educator, 1 Accountant, 1 PhysioTherapist, 1 Mathematician, 3 Lawyers, and 1 Psychiatrist. Yet it has the power to silence every doctor in Australia who does not follow the COVID Narrative.
“We are looking for language that obfuscates rather than reveals, language that deaden inquiry rather than encouraging it“. Like when they say governments should spend COVID relief funds on gun fighting technology, which is to actually say they should spend it on tanks.
Pfizers report’s is that you have increase chance of getting COVID in the 7 days after getting vaccinated.
Australia is talking about an app to tell from your cough if you have COVID or not.
Two teenage boys die in their sleep days after their second Pfizer injection. Epidemiologist confirms the injections were fatal and caused the death. Peer reviewed study by College of American Pathologists also confirm the injections killed these two boys.
Video of 200 kids locked up in COVID quarantine at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre, separated from their parents. There are 10 nurses taking care of 200 kids.
Low vaccination rate in Africa seems to be doing well.
It’s impossible to know if all these are vaccine related or not, but there’s been an awful lot of people suddenly dying. 43 year old dies of heart attack while swimming in the Gold Coast.
Can someone think of another time when 15 tennis players in a single tournament were unable to complete their match. One or two might have suffer blisters, but surely not all 15.
Every excuse is being given other than what seems to be the obvious one. From standing up
To hot nights, (climate change anyone?). By this logic all men in the tropical areas are now dead.
Do not forget Australia, it was for your own safety.
We have been seeing a decline in Melbourne for awhile now. The population has plummet as people leave.
Remember when Dan Andrew’s banned you from watching the sunset.
Or the tyranny that the labour government caused in Victoria, and now the labour gov wants the people to vote them in at the federal level.
There’s a crisis in trust with Victoria police. People in Victoria don’t like a police state with police everywhere, so the police solution was to show more police everywhere.
Code Red as emergency department in Victoria inundated with people again. Senator Gerrard Rennick says it’s due to the 116k adverse events in Australia.
Soon you will be able to sacrifice your under 5 year old to the vaccine gods in Australia. They are being added to vaccine injury claim scheme meaning they expect some kids to die.
Medicare are bypassing parents to send 14 year old letters to get vaccinated. Also being pregnant is not a valid reason for an exemption.
Discrimination has come to Sydney Easter show. Vaccinated kids get in for free, while unvaccinated kids have to pay full price. The following doctor is now being boycotted.
Alex Antic walks into parliament and starts dropping absolute truth bombs about the World Economic Forum. Here’s some thoughts on the Federal budget, what’s not mentioned was the large amount of debt of over 1 trillion dollars with no plan on how to get out of that.
My favourite coffee shop in the Melbourne CBD The Cup Of Truth is shutting up shop. Last days to drop by, it’s at the bottom of the stairs near Degraves street / Flinders St. Don’t even know what I have to look forward to any more.
Changing World
Within 30 second of the World Government Summit 2022, they are calling for a new world order. So what do the globalists actually want with a great reset? The end of free markets, mass communism worldwide where they are are in control of everything because they know what is best. Unfortunately, it has been tried again and again and has always ended up in disaster. Global energy system, food supply systems are deeply affected because of the incompetence of the management by people in power. The horrors of China social credit score system is coming to all western nations. The darker days are coming.
According to the WEF, Kenya’s highest court has ruled that digital ID is illegal.
World Economic Forum report: “90% of all coastal areas will be affected by rising sea-levels due to climate change.” Meanwhile :
Other Stuff
Everyone should be able to do pull ups. However for those who can’t yet, I think some gym rings might help.
I found Jocko’s take on the Will Smith incident interesting. For the below, keep in mind the President of Ukraine is a former comedian (maybe one still!)
The elimination of chargers and headphones in phone boxes might look good for the environment from 1 company’s perspective by saving on packing. But if you look at it from a whole system point of view, it’s really bad. As this guy explains because chargers and headphone are not included, people end up ordering them separately, which increases the amount of packaging and boxes that are used. On that note, if you are looking for a new chargers you want a GAN (Gallium Nitrate) charger, so that your phone will charge faster. Look it up on Amazon.
Some other things I found amusing
I’ll leave you with this from a Shaolin Monk at the Shaolin temple in Europe. Fear is a construct of the mind, stop worrying about what will happen tomorrow. You don’t know. The music is playing here right now. The fearful path is one day you will look back and say that you have wasted your life time.
Have a good week all!