Active cases continue to drop, now down to 100 in Victoria but still not safe according to Chairman Dan, so no change to restrictions. 53 active cases in NSW. WA has moved pass NSW with 56 active cases.
The city was pretty quiet and dead. The main type of people in the city were large majority homeless gathered in crowds, quite a few police vehicles. And the rest were Asians. Majority of restaurants and shopping closed. People’s thoughts on what’s happening in Victoria was interesting read.
Prepare for a big bush fire season if people can’t go to the regional Victorian properties to prepare.
If you have any condition related to heart and blood vessels such as high cholesterol, diabetes, high body fat, high blood pressure etc you are at increased risk of a poor outcome from COVID.
We are at 10,422,502 active cases world wide, with 1,156,035 deceased. The US has approved remdesivir for emergency use in COVID patients. Also It’s been authorised for emergency use in India, Singapore, approved use in Japan, EU, and In Australia for people with severe symptoms. Essentially it’s a broad spectrum antiviral medication that’s injected. The most common adverse effects according to Wikipedia include respiratory failure, organ impairment, gastrointestinal distress.
Sweden – the elephant in the room where there was no lockdown.
Here’s something you can do if you have too much toilet paper rolls.
Markets and Economics.
Great summary of where we are and where we could be headed by Raoul Pal.
Going further into the debt and deficit issue facing Australia, we’re never going to be able to pay it back.
Auditors shouldn’t be paid for by the company, they should be paid for by the shareholders, additionally they should be older experienced people if you ever want to find the next financial scandal.
More Michael Saylor, this time with Raoul Pal. I still got a lot out of listening to what Michael had to say. Here a list of companies that have bitcoin in their treasury. MicroStrategy was the first, I’m not sure they are the last.
Paypal to allow you to buy/sell/ pay for things in crypto (such as bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin), however you won’t be able to withdraw your crypto from paypal so kind of pointless, it’s just a preparation step to help facilitate central bank digital currency.
BTC is currently trading at $12,900 USD, which is now $18,134 AUD. Put another way:
1 USD = 7,706 sats
1 AUD = 5,500 sats
1 EUR = 9,141 sats
Oil hasn’t moved from around the 40 dollar per barrel price since about June. Has anyone else noticed at huge discrepancy at the petrol pump. I’ve seen 1.03 all the way to 1.47 in the same day depending on the area.
Other Stuff
Li Jin founding partners of Atelier Ventures (formerly of a16z) talks about the passion economy. Didn’t necessarily agree with everything she says, but if you do have a passion for something outside of work, you should be documenting it. In writing, video or audio. You need to get over the hurdle of caring what people think. If you need technical help, reach out and I’ll see what I can advise you with.
Humans are evolving faster than ever, new babies won’t have wisdom teeth because of smaller jaws, and there’s a one in 3 chance they will have an extra artery in their forearm.
Orbital physics play a huge part in any potential space warfare. (very scientific read). Since the universe is expanding, are we also expanding? The answer is no, but the explanation was interesting.
The diabolical iron clad beetle can survive being run over by a car.
How a smart ring could potentially work.
This is taking VR to a new level allowing you to jump, run and crouch.
Forklift drivers who never leave the office. Those video game skills are about to be useful. However not sure why a guy is wearing a hardhat.
I just discovered the photsync app, it allows me to sync my photos from my phone to my NAS wirelessly. The $7.99 version to allow full quality photos to sync which is worth it in my opinion. It’s working fantastic after config to fit my folder structure. Generally my photos auto sort into year and month directories.
AMD Zen 3, the next generation of Ryzen CPU from AMD launches on 5th Nov. I think it’s going to be interesting. A lot of people are building computers with AMD these days cause Intel has been a let down. If you are wondering, I’m looking to build a new desktop between now and in Q1 next year to replace my 8 year old desktop, as it’s not handling video encoding that well. Also the new computer was a reward I had set for myself when I decided to write on this website. At the moment it looks like it will be based off the Ryzen 5 5600X if the reviews are positive when it launches. I’m thinking of changing my 15 year old full tower case (see pictures below, it’s a cable mess). I’m considering the DARK BASE PRO 900 Rev 2 full tower case. My logic is that newer cases have better cable management, has more modern connectors such as USB 3.1, and is probably less dusty than my case as it’s quite open on the side.
The slogan for 2020 is “You’re on mute”. Halloween is coming up, here’s some things I thought was in the spirit of 2020. Have a great week all.