NSW is at 514 active community cases. QLD is at 25, SA is at 6, NT is at 6, WA is at 6 as well. Victoria is at 2. Goodbye Madame Brussels. The latest victim is not of COVID since businesses do not catch disease, but of lockdown. Here at Delta Variance Capital, we specialize in helping the 1% further exacerbate the wealth gap thanks to the opportunities afforded by Covid-19 lockdowns. Our long-standing relationships with government officials allow us to place great pressure on small businesses.
Victoria is the only place in Australia that is collecting ethnicity data when people get vaccinated. When I was in primary school, I remember telling people that I was African. Privacy is important.
We are testing vaccines on school students “by accident”, and rural indigenous people in rural places because they are vulnerable to escaped hotel quarantine travelers. You can soon get vaccinated by your friendly local Bunnings check out chick while you’re there to pick up a new pot plant. I don’t go to Bunnings to get my wisdom teeth pulled out, why would I go to get any other medical procedure.
We have brought in a military general to fight the war of getting people vaccinated, cause the marketing is not working. Also deploying the military to oppress its own citizens is the very essence of totalitarianism. A military is suppose to be there to defend your country from outside forces, and is never deployed in one’s own country against its citizens. We seem to have a government that’s not very transparent. I’m not sure what national security risk is to releasing the details for the AstraZeneca deal. It could be that we got ripped off and it’s embarrassing, or we got it so cheap that we don’t want the neighbors to know, in case they invade us for our vaccines. Or we signed up for every booster shot, and we don’t want the people to know while the insiders are buying shares?
Slight increase in world numbers, we are now at 12,013,981 active cases. Still around 2% death at 4,045,768. Kids dying from COVID in Indonesia. In 1976, the swine flue vaccination was halted in 9 states when 3 people died. I think the history of 1976 swine flu vaccine is worth a dig into. It’s not in any way a reflection of the COVID vaccine as I know a few people who have received it and haven’t died. There’s still an air of caution, I still think it’s too early to know long term effects. The CDC has a list of historical vaccine safety concerns.
We are having a net loss of talent in Australia with smart people choosing to leave Australia to take up jobs overseas. Until the airlines completely shutdown flights in and out, you can actually leave. Some friends have done it, to ensure you get an exemption, have proof of shipping of your personal belongings overseas, show that you have given up your place of residence, and show that you have taken up a job overseas. Easier to execute if you are not an Australian resident and have a support network overseas. My concern is of being stuck in Australia.
Finance and Economics
This person wrote a letter to family and friends who still don’t own bitcoin. It is in essence the letter that I would have written. Some of us have the perception that something is not right with the financial system that we have, and that we cannot continue like this. I’m extending out my thinking into the future and imagining what it will be like for the children.
The world is divided into Chinanet and Westernet. The exit of mining from China is a loss to China and a benefit to the rest of the world. Hold tangible assets as the money printer goes brrr. Ask yourself the question of what would a wealthy person want to buy off you in a decade.
Is Paraguay the next country to adopt bitcoin?
History will look back on KYC (know your customer) as the worst policy in history. But central bank digital currency will be worst. And as the head of the bank of international settlement is saying. It is about “absolute control”, control over what you can and cannot do with your own money. Listen to it, it’s his own words. If someone can dictate what you can or cannot spend your money on, then who’s money is it? That is, in a way called slavery. Fiat currency is a promise from your government. Account balance is a promise from your bank. Bitcoin is a guarantee, verified by you.
BTC is still in a consolidation pattern, currently trading at $33,960 USD or $45,427 AUD
Other Stuff
I discovered this app called Brickit and it’s amazing! You basically tip your Lego collection out on the floor, take a photo of it, and it will tell you everything you can build with it, give you step by step instructions, and even tell you where the location of the piece is in your pile! That’s what I call a good use of machine learning! The app is free, but of course it’s not perfect, but still….wow.
How to setup an Anonymous iPhone & Apple Computer.
“If you don’t want to go to the meeting right now, your future self won’t want to go to it later, either.” – Naval
What am I doing up at 1:30am? Writing my blog, and watching the riders go on the attack on the Tour de France of course.
Sometimes to change the world, all we need to do is say to someone “I see you, I acknowledge your existence.” Have a good week all.