Years ago at a first year uni lecture for one the core subjects in science, my professors had presented us with these new findings. High up in the mountains of the Himalayas scientist had just discovered remnants of a lost society that potentially pointed to people with wings. These people had been theorised to have originated from Venus and had migrated here when their planet was dying. They had taught early humans our language skills and technology that allowed us to build the great pyramids in Egypt. They pointed to evidence of people with bird-like features in Egyptian culture, Mayan culture, and even historical Christian angels with wings. We were shown evidence that the air in mountains where there was less oxygen was comparable to Venus’ early years. We were show how the bone structure of these bird people allowed them to thrive in the high mountains which is why they were never spotted on lower land. A sheet of paper was passed around while we sat through this hour long lecture and you could put your name down as a student member of a proposed archaeological dig with some of the university’s scientists. The expedition was paid for by the university and it would lead to the Himalayas where they had discovered preliminary evidence of this lost culture. At the end of the lecture the people who had NOT put their name down on the sheet of paper were congratulated for not falling for the lies they had presented to us for an hour. And that as scientist we need to apply first principal thinking and critical analysis of all data that is presented to us. If you are wondering I didn’t put my name down not because I wasn’t sucked in but probably cause I wasn’t appealed by going somewhere to scratch around in the dirt. But since that time has made me sceptical of things people tell me. The interesting lesson there the next time someone tell you to “trust the science”, I give you permission to tell them to STFU.
Just an update from last week. The nurse who came to check up on Dad, found that he was unable to take deep breaths, and so an ambulance was promptly called. He has been put on oxygen, and given anti-viral medicine. Not out of the woods yet. but the last report seems headed in a positive direction. He has been there since and no one has spoken to him since, and we obviously are not allowed to even visit. Everyone else is doing ok – still loss of smell and taste which must suck. So you will understand my view of being on the fence if vaccination helps. So far the thing I have concluded are COVID spreads through double vaxxed. It makes you very sick, and doesn’t keep you out of hospital. So far no one has died, so at least that’s a plus. But that could be due to the antiviral medicine, oxygen and hospital care. The whole narrative of “keep coming out to get vaccinated” makes me want to throw up. Please look after yourself everyone.
COVID – Health
The big news of course is a whistle blower has released explosive claims that Pfizer data to get their vaccine approved was forged and inaccurate. Here’s the original article in the well respected British medical journal. It is covered in reporting here, here and here.
Frenchman Florian Dagoury – World record in static breath hold free diving suffered myocarditis after his second Pfizer dose. Here’s the IG post of his doctor point out that blood was leaking from his heart.
German news agency list 75 European athletes who have died suddenly after being fully vaccinated. There’s some new side effects linked to the vaccine. In Montpellier (I call it Mont-a-piller, like caterpillar. It’s obviously not pronounced that way), there’s bunch of photos of people who were victims of the vaccine.
Here’s two studies and here. If you are interesting in black seed oil and how effective it is a treating and preventing COVID. I was curious as it’s recommended by the FLCCC in the US, so I’ve been adding a little to my porridge in the morning. You can order it from Amazon. I obviously have no concrete personal experience if it helps or it’s just quack advice, but I delivered a bottle to my family’s place. Everyone still has loss of smell and taste, and if you get COVID, here’s a study saying how long before it comes back. Fever seems to also be a common feature.
I seem to be getting a picture that hospitals are being overwhelmed and it’s not due to COVID. In Victoria the ambulances are not handling everything for the first time since the thunderstorm asthma incident. 2000 ambulance call out for people with heart problems in the last 21 months. This same observation seems to be noticed all around the world by nurses. I don’t understand how you can have “Delayed reaction to COVID” in Western Australia when they have no COVID there. So why are the hospital in states with no COVID cases overwhelmed? One reason might be Queensland fired 4,000 health workers who are unvaccinated. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in Queensland if I was having a health emergency. Here’s the story of one registered nurse who is going to be terminated from another part of the world.
COVID Politics – World
To put into perspective for everyone – The below was the Gesundheitspass which means “health pass” in German. Some history here. Why do you think people are protesting in Europe about the “green pass”, same thing different name.
Vaccine mandate are not about public health.
“This is extremely dangerous to our democracy“. Watch the short video – all MSM (mainstream media) are signing to the same tune. It’s like a CEO of the world has set the agenda and all the employees are out to parrot and follow it is the best reason how I think something like this has happened in the world. I do agree with this sentiment that there is something bigger going on.
“The information system has gone in a direction that is no longer one that is the basis for journalism. There is less free journalism and information… more is controlled from one or two sources, so propaganda is spread that suits the elite.” ~ Novak Djokovic
Protest in Belgium – good in sync clapping. Protest in Paris also
French Virologist Luc Montagnier who has a Nobel Prize is medicine for his discovery relating to HIV- refuses to take the vaccine. He’s been labelled as spreading misinformation according to wikipedia. I’ve noticed a trend where if your opinion is different to what the main propaganda is then every attempt is made to shut you down and have you discredited. As I have said I want a balance view so if someone chooses to burn a book, I will see out that book.
If Fauci is not taking COVID test because he has no symptoms, why should the rest of us? This guy grilling Fauci about the change of definition of vaccine, and told him it’s time that he resign. Freedom of information act confirmed CDC change the definition of vaccination in September ahead of Biden vaccine mandate announcement. Even Merriam-Webster changed the definition of vaccines, senior editor at the BMJ is arguing that this “vaccine” is not a vaccine and you should call it a drug. It’s time to inject some critical thinking into that mandate conversation.
What % of CDC employees are vaccinated was the question, lady couldn’t answer. The usual politician avoiding hard question by no answering doesn’t work any more. Boris Johnson was caught not wearing a mask next to 95 year old national treasure David Attenborough, watch him squirm around in his chair when asked about it.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò says the current government of the world have put us back to the barbarian age.
Vaccine passport is coming to kids 5-11 in San Francisco. Maybe it will look like the china version, these poor kids have mask on and wear a QR code around their necks.
Protest in Italy are jammed packed. Also Italian death toll has been reduced by over 97 percent after the high court changed the definition of a COVID death as someone who died from COVID rather than someone who died with COVID.
Quebec have dropped vaccination mandate for health workers.
If you are part of the “unwashed” in Auckland, you won’t be allowed to leave. “Jacinda Arden hosted a press conference which was about as conducive to open debate as an audience with Kim Jong Un.” The NZ Gov spent 3 months talking about the messaging around the vaccine and paying for the messaging of what they were going to talk about around the vaccine instead of ordering it. Check out the messaging in NZ from Sep 2020 to Oct 2021.
Crazy lady didn’t want to sit next to someone on the plane because they are not injected enough, eventually the pilot tells her to get off.
Here’s some thing that will make you say “WTFFFF!!!” – When lady goes to mask her dog, this guy sanitising his coffee at the drive through window. And some people are actually THIS stupid. Gril admits that mum won’t let her out of house until she gets vaccinated. Feeling sorry for this girl. Propaganda has reached a new level of stupid, I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry about that.
COVID Politics – Aus
La Merde frappe Le Ventilateur. Australia is no longer the place it once was. Melbourne is gone, it has been destroyed. So many businesses destroyed, the vibrant place it once was will probably take major political change to come back. Which sane person will want to open a business in a place where the rules keep changing. Never forget what the Australian government has done to you when you go to vote.
This lady wants to go house to house to find out who’s in there to give everyone in that household the injection. NSW is going to herd the children into a stadium to mass inject them without their parents being there. What happen to parental consent?
Only injection compliant people have freedom of moving in Darwin. If you want to stay in work, then you need to go get your booster shot according to NSW. I can’t see much difference between the two classes of people below.
Even the rest of the world is talking about how Dan Andrews new law allows him to have unlimited lockdown with no cases. Protest in Melbourne got MSM coverage. Lots of people in Melbourne. If you went to the Melbourne cup. It maybe time to isolate. It was a government sanction super spreader event? They certainly CAN’T blame the UNVACCINATED for this one. Also the mounted police were chasing people in st kilda on Melbourne cup. What this guy is telling us is the vaccine doesn’t work.
Medical doctor and vaccine developer Prof. Nikolai Petrovsky lost his position at Flinder University because he didn’t agree to take the TGA approved vaccine as he had developed his own. The government didn’t want to fund because his team didn’t’ donate enough money to the political parties.
Regardless of if you are vaccinated or not, you will need a negative PCR test to come back. Should you test positive 72 hours before, don’t expect to be coming home. So you would potentially need to avoid people at your holiday destination before the PCR test to avoid a negative result. I’ve had food poising in Phuket (eating strange street dessert) and also in Beijing (eating ham from jess fridge after I left the fridge open by accident). It’s hard for me to comprehend that if sick I can’t fly home again. Also I don’t think I want the pilot to be injected if they are going to cause them to not be able to fly a plane properly.
Finance and Economics
Get to understand bitcoin and what is happening.
Bitcoin still at all time high and getting higher. Just reminder cause it still surprised me – It’s not like stocks, you don’t need to buy 1 whole bitcoin.
This is a great work from home hack, if you want to sleep in.
Privacy focused phone – buy a Google Pixel phone and then root the phone to load a new OS such as GrapheneOS or the other option is LineageOS. It’s good to know but obviously not many of us need to go to this extreme, and to deploy measure relative to the threat model you are dealing with.
Listen to Cathie Wood talk abt how we are entering a hyper acceleration of technology.
Other Stuff
Did you know the tomato was feared in Europe for 200 years. The acidity from the tomato was causing the lead to come off the lead plates, but they incorrectly blamed the tomato.
Continuing from my theme last week. Mantra I’m listening to this week. The images are from Tibet. If you never seen the movie Kundun from 1997, I would highly recommend it if you can get your hand on it. It’s about the life of the 14th Dalai Lama. Some interesting things you may not know.
- Each reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is found through the process of following sign after the death of the previous Dalai Lama. A child is presented with a group of items, some of which belong to the 13th Dalai lama, and the child will correctly choose all the items that belonged to him in the previous life.
- There’s an ongoing argument with the Chinese government saying they have the right to choose the next Dalai Lama, instead of the usual reincarnation process.
- When people die in Tibet, because the ground is made of rock so people can’t be buried, and there are no trees at that altitude so people can’t be cremated, so what happens is called a Sky burial (Do not click on this wikipedia link of you are squeamish). The body of people are chopped up and fed to vultures.
- The Dalai lama and the Tibetan government in general will consult an oracle. The official state oracle of Tibet the Nechung Oracle. Who is a specific Tibetan monk who gets possessed by a spirit during a ritual. He was the one who told the Dalai lama to flee China. Here’s a picture from Wikipedia
Otherwise another good film that you can watch for free here is called Samsara. There’s no words in this documentary, and just warning you that our world is quite confronting (It contains images of dead people, and how meat is processed.) And if you are wondering. Saṃsāra is a sanskrit word. Have a good week all!