The weekly updates for COVID will from now on be divided into a science and the politics section.
The science being the information or data that I found helpful in understanding the disease – data and studies. Because I want to make an informed decision to not die, especially if the vaccine doesn’t keep you out of hospital.
The politics side will cover all the depressing stuff (as Jess has called it) that I found as we descend into authoritarianism, the use of medieval techniques such as lock down etc. At times it might cross over, but I think it’s important to attempt to make a distinction between the two. Politician are not scientist, don’t refer to politician for medical advice. It’s up to each individual to make decision for themselves, and not be cohered into making a detrimental medical choice for yourself just because you got zugzwang into a decision because you can’t go to the shops or the Zoo. I am neither anti-vax or pro-vax, but I am pro-choice. Do you own research, don’t believe what anyone tells you (not even anything you read in this weekly update). Or as we say in the bitcoin world – “Don’t Trust, Verify“.
COVID – Science
A study on Zinc and how it helps the immune system. If you vegetarian, it sounds like it’s important to make sure you don’t have suboptimal zinc deficiency BEFORE getting COVID. More studies about Vitamin D3 and K2. I’ve taken D3 for quite some time, but might add zinc to my vitamin regime.
Some immune boosting tips. Important for elderly but I think it’s important for everyone. Eats lots of fruit and veg, don’t be on a tea and bread diet. Get lots of exercise outdoors to get a boost of vitamin D. Keep yourself in good mood and have social interactions – you immune system doesn’t work as well if you are in a depressed state.
Unvaccinated = 2.26 times more change of being hospitalised, it’s generally hard to make any deduction on that for one’s own personal choice, because it needs to go into if these people are in peak physical condition or not. All the people in hospital in Idaho are unvaccinated. 50% in Israel are vaccinated in hospital. The evidence coming from Israel glaringly exposes the dire fact: the Pfizer vaccine might not work. Especially if itdoes not shield its recipients from COVID”
Jackie O ex-husband ended up in hospital for taking the vaccine, and he is in a bad way. Pericarditis – inflammation of the tissue surrounding the hear. It also happens to a channel 7 reporter. And this guy who is healthy athlete, but now is in the hospital from the second dose of the vaccine. Can only assume these incidents are being under reported if the doctors are not reporting it, and it requires the individual to report that they had a adverse reaction. It seems to be this is quite common to have heart issues after taking the vaccine (need to somehow verify the things presented in this short clip).
Interesting look at the toxicity of Ivermectin. It’s been used in humans for decades and it has a profile that’s safer than paracetamol. The person who discovered it won a Nobel prize. Back in April 2020, Monash University had a study that showed that Ivermectin eliminated COVID in 48 hours. Banning Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID is going to be something Australian regulators (or the people who had to spend any amount of time in hospital) are going to regret. Joe Rogan beat COVID with vitamins and some Ivermectin that his doctor prescribed. CNN called it horse de-wormer, I think CNN is about to have a very expensive law suit on their hands.
Over time the virus gets less potent. We are basically seeing Farr’s law in action, which is that all epidemic events rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern, that can be approximated by a bell curve. Lockdown doesn’t help. Being overweight or having underlying chronic health condition puts you at risk.
Current numbers.
COVID – Politics
It’s a concern in a world where the words from qualified trained medical doctors are being reviewed and censored for what they say by an unqualified medical people at big tech companies. It makes it very hard to find good opinion on things. This is no longer science, this is politics.
The Melbourne Star Observation wheel is the latest victim of government lockdowns. I wonder what happens now, does it stay there and go into disrepair, or does someone pick up the cost for its demolition.
Parliamentarian in Australia are exempt from any mandatory COVID vaccine. Vaccine passport is coming to Australia next month. Here’s what people can do with a vaccine passport in NSW.
QR code used for anything other than COVID contact tracing is the kind of policy creep that makes people trust a system less and less. Obviously criminals are going to be less likely to checking to the local Woolworth now. For the safety of the people, the police are checking the amount alcohol being delivered to a building in lockdown, and it’s being confiscated if it exceeds a limit that police decide. Unfortunately another person has gone into cardiac arrest after being handcuffed for not wearing a mask in NSW. His family pleaded with police that he has a heart condition and they didn’t listen.
This short rant about our Australian politician is worth watching. I would argue we didn’t lose our fight, we never had fight in us to begin with. We are not the French it is not engrained in us to stage a revolution.
When doctors in Australia are not allowed to give you advice that interfere with the Vax roll out or risk being de-registered, it creates a sense of distrust. You can find the letter they received from central authority a bit further down in the thread.
Listen to the powerful way this judge stood up to Police in Portugal. He is absolutely pissed because police have been beating people without a mask.
Heaps of health workers are protesting in France. From 15 September they will not be able to work if they are unvaccinated. We are about to lose a heap of health workers in France. Protest in Paris, we in the 9th straight weeks of protest. People in Israel are protesting against vaccine passport. Protest in Vienna Austria.
So many people at a protest in Montréal Canada over the vaccine passport. Canada seems to be changing the law to suit the narrative of the day. It considering making it illegal to sue your employer for wrongful termination over the vaccine.
#1 is New Zealand, which is now a police state.
#3 has been absorbed by China.
#5 is Australia, also currently a police state.
#6 is Canada, which is essentially a police state.
#9 Sweden still pretty free though.
If someone doesn’t buy a new model car in the first year, they are not car sceptic, but if someone doesn’t take the vaccine in the first year then they are a vaccine sceptic. Don’t spin, stop spinning, give people the raw data and let people make decisions if they want to take the vaccine.
There are a lot of nuances in the practice of medicine, it should not be an all or nothing approach that is advertised by our leaders. Children should never be asked to take on any risk to protect older adults. The question would be how does it prevent hospitalisation in children?
Australia made FOX news in the US for the use of “New World Order” If you don’t know the history behind term ‘new world order’, refer to a talk from the former Malaysian prime minister in 2013. It’s about reducing the population of the world from 7 billion to 1 billion. Even if it means killing a lot people off. Most likely for the sake of “climate change”? The new world order theory is if you have local peace from local civil government then you need a world civil government for world peace, and in order to achieve that you need to make a coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the centrals of power being political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical (religion / belief). All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community at the expense of individual freedom / liberty.
Remote Working
More and more Australians are seeking to leave the country. We are one of the few countries in the world that require residents to apply for permission before leaving the country. You can check the official PDF yourself for those numbers of refused and approved since last year. It feels almost certain that you won’t be able to come back.
Microsoft has given up on setting a date on return to office.
Going back to the office the first time (funny).
Finance and economics
What do you say to someone watching who is still a little bit leery about Bitcoin? If you don’t get it at this point, I can’t help you.
You can now buy McDonalds and Starbucks with bitcoin in El Salvador.
We all need to be aware of social engineering. Spear fishing attack.
I’ve been playing with virtual machines through a program from Oracle called Virtual Box. Here’s a tutorial. It basically allows me to run multiple Linux and distribution from my windows machine. Potentially running a windows installation within Windows too. Haven’t got around to trying windows or mac yet. Suddenly I start to think 32gb of ram is not enough and maybe I need 64gb.
Looking for a old school non-smart phone. These options look interesting. Otherwise if you looking to unplug yourself from the Apple and Google, you can flash a non google OS onto quite a few of the google phones. The popular option is Lineage OS, which you can put onto one of the Google pixel phones.
Other Stuff
Make bubble tea at home. I just brought some pearls from our local Asian grocery.
Non-Asian guy shows you how to make Moon cake. He is missing the eggs, so here’s an Asian girl showing you how to make moon cake. I have found the moulds on Amazon if anyone is interested. Moon cakes are something that’s eaten around the mid autumn festival, the second biggest holiday in the Chinese calendar (after Chinese new year), this year it’s on the 21st September. The best moon cakes in my opinion generally come from Hong Kong, which I have tried to bring back from HK twice, once was confiscated cause it had eggs, and once I was allowed to keep it. Even though you can generally buy HK produced moon cakes in Australia already.
How bubble wrap is made – I’ve always wondered!
Reflections of life
Life begins at 40. I’ve been spending some time contemplating life and what is important to me. Most people know my story. A bit over a decade ago after a break-up from a previous relationship. I booked tickets 2 days in advance and jumped on a plane to Hong Kong with the intention of changing of scenery and to hang out with a friend I hadn’t seen in years. On the plane, I asked the universe to bring someone special into my life – A westerner who could speak Chinese. A few hours after landing, I was walking around the bottom of Victoria Peak in Hong Kong, and Jess came up to me asking for direction. It was both our first time in Hong Kong. Little did I know she had also just finished up a relationship and was in HK for similar reasons.
We met again in Beijing where she was working.
We spent a year apart. She visited Australia.
And I spent some time in Beijing to help her pack and move.
We watched the world go around, and went on many adventures together
We’ve pushed boulders together.
Then the big day. Her family will tell you that when she was young she said she would one day marry a Chinese.
Over time our family grew from 2 to 3
As we spent many occasions living a French life.
And now we are 4.
The first 40 years of life is just research and working things out. After that it is about putting into action what you have learned. To stop trying to keep up with society norms or caring what others think. To begin looking at one’s self with the truth and sincerity. Not whether I’m right or wrong but rather what works and what does not. Detachment from the tribe is extremely scary but liberating to one’s self. I know a lot more than I did yesterday, who knows what I will learn tomorrow. Go out and aim to bring delight and joy to other people in your life. Help others first, there is more joy and fulfilment in helping others. That doesn’t mean go volunteer for a missionary. It just means make a difference in the things you think you have influence over and make a difference there. Be there with people and look at them and tell them “I see you”. “Be kind to your future self, by making a good decision today you’re gifting yourself a good tomorrow” – Sam Harris
You are not old at 30.
You are not old at 50.
You are not even old at 70.
You are old when you give up.
Keep trying.
Never stop learning.
Grow till the very end.
I look forward to the next parts of life and all the challenges and opportunities to work through. Life begins every morning.
I’ll leave you with this inspiring video from Jim Carrey that I believe everyone should watch “The decisions we make in this moment are based in either love or fear” How will you serve the world, what do they need that your talent can provide? That’s all you need to work out. Ask the universe for what you want.
“Life opens up opportunities to you, and you either take them or you stay afraid of taking them.”– Jim Carrey