There are 54 active cases in Australia, but basically there is only 1 active case out in the community and that’s in NSW. (and you must assume that 1 person is in self isolation). The rest of the numbers that you are seeing are all classified as overseas acquired and so it would be safe to assume those 53 active cases are in hotel quarantine (including the 6 active cases in Victoria)
So you might be wondering what the big deal is with false positive to HIV from one of the vaccines that was abandoned last week. It’s not that you are infected with HIV because they’ve used parts of that virus to make this vaccines. But imagine if you give a majority of the population this vaccine, it makes your ability to detect true positive HIV obsolete as everyone will come up positive. Here’s what will it feel like to get the vaccine. Also how vaccine works video is an easy to understand for anyone. In the US, they will see 6 months of vaccine purgatory. From what I understand of “purgatory” from the tv show supernatural and playing Diablo 2. It’s an in-between place.
The world is sitting at 20,333,795 active cases, and 1,613,868 total deceased. The Koreans have tested and concluded that covid can spread 6 meters away. But it doesn’t apply anywhere outside of Korea as they have their measurements, and we have ours here in Australia.
There will be big adjustments for some people who don’t know how to handle hybrid model of working from home / office.
If you’re booking a holiday interstate, make sure you can book a car! Car hire companies sold off their fleet at the start of the pandemic, and now people are discovering after booking accommodation and flights they can’t book a car. And for the periods that they do have cars back in the fleet, then it’s amazingly expensive. It is just another example that the economy doesn’t come back just because the government said it can. It’s not an on off switch.
I’m not sure this guy is saving any lives by putting a mask on for 7 steps.
Markets and Economics
Aus gov issued negative rate treasury notes. I’m not sure why anyone would buy negative yield bonds, except maybe the central bank.
High rise apartments are a horror show and they are asking the gov to step in and bail them out.
The ECB is disappointed that the Euro isn’t losing value fast enough, and proceeds to print 500 billion more. It’s a reminder that you shouldn’t keep a majority of your savings in cash since this is what the crash of the fiat currency pyramid scheme will look like.
Raoul was chatting on on Kitco, which for me always has tidbits of important information that fit into the puzzle of trying to understand what is happening in the world of Finance.
Brief history of money should be interesting. It’s from the Masters of Digital Currency from the University of Nicosia which has been running for 6 years now. All their lectures are available online, and I have followed for a few sessions. An insurance company just made $100 million dollar purchase of bitcoin. At some point it becomes too risky to NOT have exposure to bitcoin. Bitcoin is trading at $19,300 USD or $24,000 AUD.
Space and Science
Watching the NASA live stream from the international space station makes me appreciate how small we are. You can also watch Karen Nyberg washing her hair on the international space station, having no gravity means no running water which brings about a whole different set to challenges.
At SpaceX, Elon Musk says “Failure is an option here. If your not failing, your not innovating enough.” Watch the Starship explode (launch starts at around 1 hour 48mins) last week was totally awesome and they must have got some good data out of that for the next run. Also the starship looks a lot like the solugen reactor which is designed the decarbonized chemicals produced on Earth
China also has flamethrower drones! And also China has achieved quantum supremacy, which I believe puts them on par with Google. What does that mean? It means they have a quantum computer that can compute faster than traditional computers. The Chinese are also working of fusion power in the version of a Tokamak, which is basically racing hot plasma around a magnetically confined torus. It’s basically trying to harness a power source that similar to what happens in the Sun where lighter atom are fused together to produce energy. Traditional nuclear power that we all know is nuclear fission, where the atom is split. On a side note we really should be moving onto power the country to fission energy, its a lot cleaner than just burning coal. And also contrary to what happen in Japan, it is an entirely safe process.
Watching someone react to superman (Henry Cavill) building a PC is hilarious.
I’m always looking to up my programming, and SOLID Design principals might be interesting to those still learning to program.
Optimised Zoom for music was very informative. My daughter is having her piano lessons on Zoom and I didn’t know these setting existed.
I found these tech related images funny
Other Stuff
How to protect yourself from scam calls in Australia.
Cover letter checklist for those who are applying for jobs. I usually take a copy of such content and add it to my evernote in a Career workbook.
These perfectly timed photos from this Hong Kong photographer are great.
Just a reminder if you want these post in your inbox every Monday morning at 9 am AEDT, then put your email in the email box. It just goes into my list so the automation knows to send you an email. Also you don’t need to ask me if you want to share something. It’s all basically things I found interesting on the internet so share away.
I’ll leave with you these funny ones. Have a great week all.