The world has not moved much, we are at 11,665,435 active cases, and 3,989,816 deaths. In terms of active cases in Australia – WA has 6. SA has 6. VIC has 7. NT has 8. QLD has 28. And leading the race is NSW which has 275 active cases.
Here’s the NSW Health Minister saying just because you are vaccinated you can still get infected and be infectious. So essentially what she is saying is that the only point of vaccinating is to not die, so if you are not at risk of dying, then give it a miss? I don’t understand the messaging. She is talking about having the vaccine available to children in NSW in 2022.
You need to ask yourself what kind of society chooses to give children an experimental drug where there’s no long term data on the long term effects, for a disease that has no effect on children. We vaccinate children for diseases that kill children, not in order to protect an older generation who are approaching end of life. Children are the future. Leave the children alone (That’s a speech worth watching). Meanwhile a 13 year old Michigan boy has died in his sleep a few days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer vaccine. Meanwhile in Sweden –
Clot risk to 18-39 year old from AstraZeneca vaccine is twice as high as COVID death risk. Some countries haven’t stopped recommending AstraZeneca to young people yet. Let’s be 100% clear about this: only psychopaths think healthy young people should die from a vaccine that’s >2x more dangerous than COVID, for the sake of the sick and old.
If you are interested in some science here’s an article about how mRNA vaccines work.
The question of why COVID 19 restrictions still apply to vaccinated people. The article goes through heaps of things, but if you read between the lines, restrictions will apply until we have a discrimination passport (I mean vaccine passport) in place so that we can better track everyone. A digital ID to keep track of you is coming, the project by the world economic forum is currently called The CommonPass, to keep track of the commoners obviously.
Finance and Economics
History will look back on this time period and ask: Why did people not see that their money being worth less each year was a not a requirement for a productive society? It was only a parlor trick designed to give some humans control over other humans. How numbers learn to lie? Throughout the years the basket of goods for the CPI has been changed in order to fit the data to the target inflation amount. That guy from shadowstats has basically taken the governments definition from the 80s and applied it every year since, and the results has been what you are expecting. Inflation is not at the 2-3%, the inflation we are all personally experiencing is a lot more than that.
Troll your local Keynesian economist by saying this – “Hoarding” money is good for the economy.
Bitcoin mining uses more renewable energy compared to the non bitcoin economy, according to a senator in Wyoming. Meanwhile another US senator wants to ban cryptocurrencies.
500 years ago, China destroyed its world dominating navy because the political elite was afraid of free trade. Today they are doing it again by banning bitcoin mining in China. China also made a bet on silver when the world was moving to gold in the early 1900s which cos them a lot of economic development. They were wrong then, they are wrong now.
There is currently a hackaton competition for a team to create a global central bank digital currency (CBDC) when you hear central bank digital currency you can pretty much think of this as a demonetisation event, it makes your current money and cash worthless and moves everyone onto a centralised currency that can better track you, and offer the central banks a more finite ability to incentives you to spend money by dishing out negative interest rates to those who refuse to spend.
The European digital Euro proposal is getting laughed out of the room judging from the comments. It is “risk-free” because the ECB can’t go bankrupt because it has a monopoly on the Euro. Printing money to infinity is taking the purchasing power away from the people. The federal reserve is trying to float the idea of a FedCoin. The Fed says stop calling the US Dollar a fiat currency. But what else do you want us to call it, it’s a currency based on people faith in the what the US government says.
Venezuela is planning to cut 6 zeroes off its currency because people are having trouble fitting that many numbers on a calculator. This is what hyper inflation looks like. People of India in a country that’s predominately been focused on gold has been turning to cryptocurrencies, including for weddings.
Charlie Munger has come out as a communist.
“Work, rather than privilege, is what counts in consensus.” Bitcoin is currently trading at $47,026 AUD or $35,440 USD.
Other Stuff
I found these cartoons funny, each one represents married life!
Remember that trick where you send some people a “pew pew” message on a iPhone and they get lasers. Well you can actually go one step further, you type your message, and instead of pressing send, HOLD down the send button, change tab to “screen”, and then you can swipe left and right to choose your effect for any message!
The Tour de France has returned to the renascence of cycling, with my favourite rider (Mark Cavendish) winning two stages this year taking his total career TDF stage wins to 32, just two short of the legendary Eddy Merckx. Also the lady who held up the cardboard sign and caused the massive accident on stage 1 has handed herself into the police station and has been arrested.
I’ll leave you with this video on how to master any skill by deconstructing it. The video ends with a quote from Antoine de Saint Exupéry (Author of The Little Prince) –
“Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.”
(Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.)