Neil Oliver 9 min monologue is the video I recommend everyone watches this week. It’s the first time in history where the inefficiency of a medicine is blamed on those who didn’t take it. Once you’ve step back and see what is happening it’s quite impossible to un-see it. For example Canada prime minister is borderline criminal.
Here is the Nuremberg Code for those who are not familiar.
There is a concentrated effort to push an Online ID system onto all of us. Think of a vaccine passport (Online ID system) as simple “a tag for cattle”. Just take a look at how unfair the current passport system is for someone who is Indian. Here’s what the Australian version looks like for online ID, you probably already have the app on your phone. Russia doesn’t seem to be playing along, and are now postponing QR code COVID legislation.
Leaders and Main Stream Media
In France the government gave the newspapers owned by billionaires 76 million euros to ensure they will only publish the government narrative. It’s also happening in Australia, through a tax relief program which is just a way to say we giving you money to push our propaganda.
Facts are usually not hard to see!
Meanwhile in Denmark, one of their largest newspaper issued an apology that they had failed and apologize for their parroting of government narrative without question.
This is the new normal in Europe, where people are checked papers just like how the Nazi done it. Michel-Edouard Leclerc has apologies for saying that you will be banned from his supermarkets for being unvaccinated after a mass social media campaign calling for boycott. For the Australian readers, E.Leclerc is a major supermarket chain in France (that we’ve now stop shopping at). We don’t have the same duopoly as in Australia, there’s close to 30 different supermarket chains. And if you wondering what a hypermarket it’s a store that combines the supermarket, Harvey Norman and Target in 1 big store.
Joe Rogan talking about the suppression of adverse events in the media. The attempts by some people to censor Rogan has created a Barbara Streisand effect and driven more people to find out what he was talking about exactly. Everything is mis-information until it suddenly isn’t.
The usual response to a message that deviates from what the government propaganda says is that more censorship is needed. We need more debate, more open dialogue. Getting out of this mass formation psychosis involved us all finding common ground. This thinking fits in the 4th turning hypothesis. From the data that’s coming out, it really does look like the pandemic is coming to an end with Omnicron.
Boris Johnson has been apologising for partying while locking the country down. Joe Biden wants total information dominance. Here is Joe Biden vs the teleprompter. Are there any leaders left worthy of the trust of decent people?
We now know from emails that the US wanted to create a virus like COVID-19, and since Fauci couldn’t get approval in the US to do it in the US due to restriction into research of Gain Of function. He got around it by authorising it to be offshored to China. Fauci knew that Chinese were working on inserting COVID furin cleavage site and worked to cover it up and label critics as ‘conspiracy theorists.’. How is the person responsible for this whole pandemic now involved in it’s management??
CEO of Pfizer has admitted the vaccine doesn’t work. Not even the booster, hence they coming out with a “daily vaccine” in March if I heard right (you tell me, it’s towards the end of the 2min video)
The following is probably also going to be good for their Viagra sales too.
(Use Google Translate for the following, I’m not translating)
Nothing is working.
The data is not even worth going into anymore. I can’t tell if someone died of COVID or with COVID.
Mask are little more than facial decoration?
Propaganda to normalize mask wearing.
By hand sanitizing all the time, new bacteria is starting to emerge that a resistant to alcohol. There is clear data coming out that you are MORE LIKELY to get COVID if you get vaccinated. Even the WHO is saying that.
Just look at Israel.
Interviewing fat people to ask their opinion about health is silly.
“Imagine taking “health advice!” from the woman who ate Jenny Craig“.
The Europeans are warning against repeated booster and what it will do to your immune system.
However The French Académie Nationale de Médecine – National Academy of Medicine – is demanding compulsory vaccination for *everyone.*
If you are unvaccinated in Canada, you will now receive a fine.
It’s basically saying that “If you don’t let us violate your most personal property (your body), then we will violate your second most important property (your money).“. Just because you obey the law doesn’t mean you are moral, it could mean that you are afraid. Just simple say the following to things you don’t agree with.
Forcing kids to be tested for COVID if they don’t want to be tested is wrong. Watch that video and let me know if you don’t feel uncomfortable. We should not be vaccinating kids, at some point these people who have pushed this need to be held accountable for it. All the measure that have been put in place have resulted in children who were born in during this time having cognitive scores 2 standard deviation lower than normal.
Looking at this comparison of a teach with a mask and the same teacher without, it’s easy to see why. Let kids experience freedom that you had when you were kids, that’s the policy in El Salvador.
Also check out the ad from El Salvador on how to protect yourself from COVID. That should have been the message worldwide but it wasn’t….
3 players dropping out of the Australia Open due to chest pain is not normal. Healthy sports people suddenly dropping dead is not normal. I’m starting to see a very worrying trend. Government vaccinators are running out of people to euthanize.
All over the world I’m seeing hospitals over overloaded fully vaccinated heath workers are allowed back to work while still infected with COVID, but no mention of bringing back unvaccinated workers who don’t have COVID. Even DeSantis is pointing out the stupidity of that type of policy.
There needs to be a more inclusive conversation. And if you are for some reason surprised or shocked and uncomfortable someone in your life is not vaccinated. Then You should be the one who reads this.
This lady doesn’t doesn’t trust Big Phama because of what happen with Thalidomide and all the birth defects.
Authoritarianism State of Australia
Western Australia is now following in Victoria’s lead, with unvaccinated now excluded from most of life’s activities. In Victoria, a teenager was arrested for sitting down to eat at a food court. The narrative is crumbling. Full vaccinated now means you need to have had 3 doses in Victoria. One double dosed Victorian says F%^# you, she’s done, she has have had enough. Here’s another person who feels the same.
In Queensland police have been going to cafe and demanding people show papers. This resulted in a lady who left of her own accord being arrested outside and thrown in the back of the police van. Hundreds of thousand of people took to the street of Melbourne on the weekend to protest still. The people have been pushing back and customers at this place told the police to get out.
I don’t really see how the vax is working, the headline has me puzzled.
Can someone watch this and tell me WTF is going on with the Western Australia Premier. Does he think we all stupid? Cause so many of the people in Perth were out protesting. I didn’t even know that many people lived there!
There are 15 points that you can check yourself against to see if you are in an abusive relationship. So my question is to you are you in in an abusive relationship?? Scott Adams should be added to the complete loser list.
With cases at all time high, Novak has been deported because he is a threat to public health. Nop, he is banned because he will foster anti vaccination sentiments, and his presence is a threat to the jab jab jab narrative. Another tennis player was strip searched after also having her visa revoked to add insult.
I can’t believe they even asked the following question at the initial interview.
If you are offended by the comparison of what is happening right now to the Holocausts then maybe you need to go back and listen to what a survivor has to say.”
“Do not be indifferent when any minority is discriminated [against] because the essence of democracy is that the majority governs, but democracy hinges on the rights of minorities being protected.”
– Auschwitz survivor 94-year-old Marian Turski
On the technology front, I learnt a lot about IP addresses and sub net mask that I didn’t know.
On the bitcoin front, you are suppose to watch this hilarious video if you are a Normie. Dump your government reward points as soon as you get them. They are not a good store of value. Case and point being that people in Turkey are dumping their currency and piling into to Bitcoin and Tether. El Salvador message to the bitcoiners of the world, that country is basically front running the world at the moment.
In case you missed it, inflation come in at 7% in the US.
Everyone is failing in their professional responsibilities. Purpose of life is not to be happy, there’s problems to solve. Be happy after you have solved the goddamn problems. Thanks for reading me this week, I appreciate you.