We have 4233 active cases, which is up from 2837 from last week, however that’s good news! Because we broke the trend of doubling every week. If you were expecting to go from here to low numbers then you’ve been drinking mainstream media kool aid too often. Look at the trend of the previous wave, it slows down over a period and doesn’t go from all time high to zero overnight.
I know it’s been nicknamed the boomer remover, but who on earth is visiting all these aged care while infected?? I counted at least 6 clusters are in aged care.
228 people in hospital in Victoria. 42 in ICU, out of a total of 476 ICU beds. Unsure the total number of ICU beds currently used. So if someone says they are not in the vulnerable age, they are missing the point. If the system is overwhelmed and there’s no ICU beds and you arrive in hospital because you were in some accident, and you needed to be in ICU, you would hope there’s extra capacity in the system at that moment in time.
Here’s a breakdown of those people who have died and what age range they are from.
The whole situation in Melbourne seems eerily similar in 1919 when we had the spanish flu.
Of course Victoria is a large majority of the new cases..
The only noteworthy thing is NSW has gone from 71 to 151.
In the world we’re at 5,761,251 active cases. 651,187 deceased. Humility and science is getting Iceland through this pandemic. 1,847 cases, 10 dead. Of course they have a lower population, but it’s interesting to listen to the approach of their prime minister. It’s a good reminder that listening is very important and has seemed to be a trade mark of the female leaders who are doing well in this pandemic, rather than more assertiveness.
Recent earning calls have relieved that corporate America is planning on cutting the size of their corporate real estate footprint, allowing more staff to work from home, hence saving money on their bottom line.
There’s lots of reasons why people have been trapped overseas, and unable to come back. It seems pretty tough to be stuck in a country where you have no residency since March! Interesting report from the economist that travel is not going to be the same again and it could take years to recover.
Lots of mums have taken to swimming in the bay in the current lockdown. If you’re wondering who Peter Hendriks is, he’s the only Total immersion swimming coach in Melbourne, which is a swim technique taught by the late Terry Laughlin. You can listen / watch Tim Ferris talk about it here.
I like the new bunnings ad.
Need to order a meal with your drink?
Markets and Economics.
Many people still don’t want to understand the reality of where we are. What is the vision for Australia for the next 20 years? We don’t seem to have a plan, and the picture the government is trying to paint is not hanging together.
We’re seeing a breakdown on basic government functions in the US. Look at the unemployment levels in the US before COVID
And what it looks like after COVID
And in the UK, there’s 1000 applicants for a receptionist job. Which is probably a reflection here in Australia as well, that there is a storage of low skills jobs.
There seems to be a flow of money into hard money assets last week. Gold, silver, BTC.
We are alive in an exciting time. Change is coming, be the right side of change and the coming infrastructure inversion.
AUDUSD – above 0.71
NASDAQ – one of the only indices to surpass all time high. But might have turned a corner with a gap down on Friday’s trading.
Silver has been on a bull run
And so has gold, which basically sets the tone of the state of the world when gold is in demand.
BTC temporarily broke the psychology $10,000 USD number before retreating again.
Ether is on a tear, with the upcoming ethereum 2.0 proof of stake to be released soon (maybe…keeps getting delayed.)
State of the world
95,000 people marching in protest against Putin.
Some people in the US are just scum, who on earth blocks an old lady from walking.
Lots of floods in Asia.
Here’s a song to celebrate lockdown. (You’ve been warned that 1. I can’t get it out of head. 2. It contains explicit language.)
Thanks for reading.