The number of people in hospital has moved higher in NSW and QLD.
Here’s a table of the active case numbers.
The world active cases has also gone higher now at 15,067,596 active cases, still 2% death rate, at 4,236,439.
Sydney still in lockdown, there’s no end in sight
Scotty needs to rain money down for all the good girls and boys of Sydney for not going out to make friends.
Here’s a map of all the new exposure sites so that you can easily see on a map what places are listed as exposure sites.
What COVID does to your body and how people end up dying from it. If your body doesn’t defeat it when it’s in the nose, it then proceeds down to your lungs, and it gets bad from there. If you got the vaccine, here’s how it protects you, which matches the account I heard from the UK that people end up being sick for 48 hours if they get COVID and are already vaccinated.
Pregnant women are dying of COVID, because they haven’t been prioritized the vaccine yet, which is really sad. The latest Vaccine safety report is out from the TGA. Pregnant women are recommended to be vaccinated with Pfizer at all stage of pregnancy as recommended by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. A 54 year old died 2 months after getting the vaccine, and its been attributed to him getting the AstraZeneca. We are at 90 cases of blood clot in Australia.
If you are fully vaccinated, the US president says you no longer need to wear a mask. NY Gov. Cuomo: “We have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, put them in cars & drive them and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.” – Noting that that sounds like forced vaccination against their will.
If the results check out, the drug called Ivermectin would basically end the pandemic instantly as an effective treatment.
State of the world.
French protest against vaccine passport. The crowds are huge and there are people old and young. They look like normal people to me, which makes it reassuring that people are standing up for their rights and freedom. Here’s more protest video from France, Italy and Australia. The Australian protestors seem to be a different demographic to the French. I’ll let you form your own opinion on that. While in Italy, the police are marching with protesters.
“Everyone must wear a mask because they might be asymptotically sick” is like saying “everyone must be handcuffed because they might be asymptotically violent”. You can’t assume everyone is guilty, you have to let people live. It’s also like saying “Everyone must wear a strait jacket until they are cleared by a mental health professional”
Some member of parliament went into a kids Chinese language school in Canberra, took photos of the kids there and made it public showing all the kids faces that and said that the Chinese communist party (CCP) is infiltrating Australia. Which is absolutely stupid cause young kids go to Chinese school to learn to read, write and sing songs as their parents want them to retain some cultural heritage. Did you know that the Australian intelligence agency is overseen by a 33 year old with no intelligence experience who is also involved in pushing narrative of the CCP is infiltrating Australia? These people usually point to things like Luna new year celebrations as an example of CCP infiltrating Australia?
There’s an idea being floated around that you will need 100 point of ID to access social media in Australia. If you don’t already use a VPN, you might need to look into it.
The United States military is being run by a neurotic cat lady.
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – Ronald Reagan
Mainstream media want you to be terrified of anything and everything, including unlicensed pet groomers.
The narrative of the world has in recent times been controls by a small representation of society. Gender equality is one of them. I thought this was a very good argument on why Diversity of choice does not lead to diversity of outcome. The Nordic countries are the most progressed along with equality of choice for gender, and the study show that when there’s diversity of choice (which is a good things), females tend towards roles that deal with people, and males tend towards roles that deal with “things”. Not 100% both ways, but statistically even if it’s 60/40, it means there will not be a diversity of outcome. So trying to measure if we have more women in engineering roles doesn’t make sense. Even with my kids I see it’s just natural that my son is more interest in cars and how the wheels roll, and my daughter is more interest in dolls, even though they have the choice. It’s not 100%, but we will say it’s 70/30. 70% playing with cars, and 30% playing with dolls and soft toy for my son for instance. So aim for equality of choice, when there’s an event, don’t have 1 gender at the exclusion of the other, have both participate, but don’t expect 50/50 outcome.
Finance and Economics
Current price of bitcoin.
Senator Warren: Crypto Puts Financial System in the Hands of ‘Shadowy Super-Coders’ The community responded with “your financial system’s monetary policy is determined by a board of 7 people and is not allowed to be audited. Bitcoin’s monetary policy is fixed and auditable on a public ledger. Which one would you call shadowy?” Senator Warren also compared bitcoin to drugs. She also feels entitled to your stuff.
If you look at the basket of goods in Australia’s CPI, it’s clear to see why the CPI is not a good reflection of your own experience of inflation. Why is it purchase of newly built home, instead of any home in general. What if you don’t smoke, don’t pay rent, don’t drink alcohol, not buying home furnishing. It makes it an inaccurate reflection. I think we should have a CPI that has the essential of sustaining life. – Food, shelter (regardless of new home, existing home, rent), bills, transportation, insurances. But since it doesn’t happen at a government level maybe each individual needs to keep track of their own personal CPI. But that requires work on an individual level.
Mises destroyed socialism this way: Without ownership, there is no exchange. Without exchange, there are no prices. Without prices, there is no economic calculation. Without economic calculation, production decisions are made in the dark. When that happens, basic needs go unmet.
Other Stuff
Anyone who has been watching the Olympics, perhaps they will find this funny (or shocking) from Rémi GAILLARD. Unfortunately I still don’t own a TV yet. “Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business.”
California pass a law that was intended to prevent computers from wasting power when they aren’t being used, and encourage people to have their computer go to sleep when they walk away. Because of climate change etc. So the put a power draw limit on computer system. In reality what has actually happen is IT people still turn off the auto sleep function when they get a new PC (myself included), and computer companies have now refused to ship gaming PC to California, cause gaming PC are on the top level of powerful machines, so they will draw more power. Well done California, you have excluded yourself.
This photograph is a black and white picture. An artist has drawn some color lines through it. The human brain is filling the rest of the colors.
I’ll leave you with my mate Jim who started a YouTube channel of him playing guitar. Feel free to leave a song request form him in the comments section. Have a great week all!