Vaccine Fraud
Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd explains that it’s looking increasingly like Pfizer data amount to fraud, which means that they would no longer be immune from prosecution. It would not surprise me if they get sued for all the damage that they have caused. We don’t even know what’s in the vax (worth watching), all the ingredients are still secret.
The other strange thing is that Pfizer have filed a form 25 with the SEC, that’s either a sign the company wants to go private (using all the massive profit to reduce accountability to reporting to the market), or they think they are going bankrupt.
Dr John Campbell has gone through the Pfizer document that the courts ordered the FDA to release. You can watch his world collapse from his own analysis of the documents. Here is analysis of those documents from Dr. Suneel Dhand. More discussion from some people in the UK. Pfizer went out of their way to eliminate people who had natural immunity from their studies, to avoid hyper immune response from messing up their studies. You have all been lied to.
One thing to remember is that just because something is a “gene therapy” doesn’t mean it’s bad and just because something is a “vaccine” doesn’t mean it’s good. Because we are then essentially arguing the semantics of a language without any regards to the underlying product. Each product should be look at as an individual based on it’s own merits.
If the guy lying on the floor after the jab, one would think you would get up and walk out.
After I said last week that we should expect to hear about heart attacks more in the news. Then bam… some prominent Australians heart attack all over the news. For those not in Australia, those were Shane Warne (former cricket player, age 52), Kimberley Kitching (Australian politician, age 52), Most recently Dean Wallis (Former Football player, age 52). It’s not allowed to be talked about because it’s disrespectful, but it sure does make you wonder. And then you have Australian news reports gas-lighting about how heart attacks can now happen in young and healthy people.
NSW Health is reportedly pushing for the return of mandatory masks and working from home amid a rise in cases of the new Omicron sub-variant.
With no data, they are pushing for more school kids to get jabbed in Victoria.
If we look at what they are saying in Australia on the articles dated below, basically the effectiveness of the vaccine is now down to 5 weeks.
Leader of the opposition in Australia.
4th dose on the cards for older population in France. The good news that you no longer need to prove your vaccination status anywhere any more as of today.
The US has been doing bio weapon research in Ukraine, which might explain the destruction of documents before they got out. U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says Washington is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russian hands. She just confirmed every conspiracy theory about the existence of those labs.
I think this lady needs to update her definition of biological weapons. Those pathogens were then sent to Victoria, Australia?
The US has 336 labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone. It should give a full account of its biological military activities at home and abroad and subject itself to multilateral verification.
Is the power WEF has over governments, business and society at large a good thing? Australian Federal MP George Christensen says most legislation and policy coming forward in Parliament isn’t coming from the Australian populous but from unelected globalist bodies, such as the UN and WEF
Pelosi: “When we’re having this discussion, it’s important to dispel some of those who say, well it’s the government spending. No, it isn’t. The government spending is doing the exact reverse, reducing the national debt. It is not inflationary.” Kamala thinks that Ukraine is part of NATO is how incompetent the current US administration is.
This is one of those influencers?
Still protest in Paris. Also protest related to Ukraine in Paris. It’s like Moulin Rouge (ie warning it contains nudity). Ukraine propaganda involves showing the Eiffel tower being blown up.
Looks like Trump was right about Oil prices. It’s turning out like Trump was right about everything.
The following is just stupid, if you put higher taxes on oil company, guess what the price of petrol just goes up cause that higher tax gets passed on to people pouring petrol, and doesn’t help the supply issue.
This talk from Jacinta two years ago has not aged well.
People don’t realise, but to power all those electric cars, you must increase energy production, not go to an unreliable form of energy.
Mass Stupidity.
Watch this lady send a message to the elephants caught in Ukraine.
Bitcoin and Economics
Bretton Woods 3 is coming in a new currency backed by a basket of commodities. It will see the final decline of the USD as the reserve currency of the world. That would mean there would be turbulent times that will affect all of us who hold fiat currencies.
Governments and central banks can’t be trusted to manage monetary systems. People are beginning to realise this fact. Bitcoin has separated money from the state and is enabling humanity to escape the madness.
The below is the theory from Ray Dalio’s latest book. I think what he got wrong is that the next rise will not be another nation state.
It took 15 years the build the company and 1 tweet to destroy it. Migrating to Brave Search.
Effort is not inherently good. This was a concept I was trying to explain the other day when someone was trying to do work by organise list and folders before starting to do the actually work. Just do enough to get the thing done. Don’t waste your time on extra things to get it more organised. Putting a lot of time into something does not equal that you have done something useful.
It’s a case of don’t train the mind to think, but allow the mind to think. Anyway have a great week all!