Welcome to this week’s update. Don’t forget your tin foil hats.
There is no going back to normal, we can only go forward to normal, and it must go forward to normal because the alternative is unthinkable.
If you just want a short video summary of what has happen Canada, this is a good overview.
Canada is no longer run with the consent of the governed. Due process is for plebs. Trudeau has declare martial law, he has given himself the power to end the freedom of assembly.
Justin Trudeau has invoked the modern War Measures Act on these men, women, and children in bouncy castle.
This Act was meant to only be used during war times, and has never been invoked until this moment.
He has seized private bank accounts and reserves the right to control all money. If someone dissents, you just confiscate their wealth, revoke their licenses, exclude them from the financial system. No need to debate the law, policy or even rights when you have a monopoly on violence
His state broadcaster has been targeting anyone that goes against him, specifically donors to the truckers funds. authorities have threaten to steal the pets of truck drivers and euthanize them if the drivers are unable to care for them as a result of enforcement action – effectively “we going to kill your dog”.
The police shut down Parliament. The police shut own the peaceful protest. Before the police moved in, this snow fight was the level of violence that was experienced. Before this moment protesters and police were hugging.
Trudeau has warned them years ago how he admired China. The below is what Canada has become, same energy.
Police where brought in from out of town who had no relations to the protesters.
Trudeau has instructed police to attack journalist shutting down the reporters covering it all.
The police have been telling journalist to turn off their cameras so the world cannot see the violence they are about to unleash.
Watch that moment then the police start to attack. The moment the horses were used to trample on protesters.
Same energy.
Police smashing into cars. The moment someone got the knee in the ribs by police. Pushing the kids.
Pop corn machine made illegal. Breaking into vehicles.
Basically removing everyone at gun point. Here’s where they use bigger guns. The people have been there because no one wants to have a dialoge with them, they don’t speak tear gas, they don’t speak baton, they speak English and French.
Even if they go home at this point, the chief of police says they will be hunted and punished after they go home. How dare they ask for freedom. Stay at the protest and be kneed 15 times in the head. After all of that, everything has been cleared out. At this point people are trying to work out how to get their freedom back.
Following what happen in France, waving your country flag is now an arrest-able offence in Canada.
Not just police – this guys steals a Canadian flag from a 13 year old girl. Also in Canada, this guy was arrested in front of his wife and kids for not wearing a mask while snowboarding despite being exempt.
Listen to some real Canadians. Unfazed by an Army of Police, Protesters in Ottawa were singing a message of Peace and Love. Tow trucks called into tow trucks had actually joined the protest.
While Trudeau has his minions clamping down on protesters in Ottawa, other Canadian cities came out in huge numbers in solidarity and a show of force against covid tyranny. Flood of farmers and truckers arriving in Quebec. More from Quebec.
Chrystia Freeland is the deputy of BOTH Justin Trudeau and Klaus Schwab, at the same time. She’s deputy prime minister of Canada and a director of Schwab’s World Economic Forum. For years she’s covered up the fact that her grandfather was a Nazi collaborator. There is speculation that Justin Trudeau and his families foundation holds 40% of Acuitas Therapeutics which is the lipid nanoparticle delivery system for Pfizer. There appears to be a major conflict of interest with Trudeau. Pfizer not transparent. Government of the people? I think not
It was predicted in 2014 that Trudeau would eventually become a dictator.
Wait until they try to extradite citizens from the US and other countries who supported the truckers. Mexico to introduce a bill to give the truckers asylum.
And the final piece of the puzzle, here is the Canadian bill to regulate the internet.
What has the international response been? Cristian Terhes (MEP) talk about Trudeau’s tyranny.
“Just vote Trudeau out in 2025, 3 years after you have lost your job, had your property seized and are in prison”
Just to focus on the finance side, Canada has begun freezing and confiscating money directly from the bank account of anyone who has anything to do with going against the government.
Trudeau’s justice minister says that being “pro-Trump” is a factor that will decide if your bank account is seized under their Emergency Orders.
Can someone explain the purpose of this. If these people can’t buy food or heating fuel are they just trying to kill people instead of arrest them. Because it can be done with software instead of clubs? What is the intended outcome of instant poverty?
If the Canada move doesn’t terrify you, you’re not paying attention… CEO Shawn Jason Laponte explains how all his banking has been frozen. Think you can use cash, sorry that’s not an option.
Can’t freeze self-custody crypto accounts, sorry tyrants!
The Canadian courts tried to get a bitcoin company to comply. This was their savage response.
Bitcoin is Unconfiscatable Money.
El Salvador Wants USA To Leave Them Alone On Bitcoin. From the president himself:
Also from El Salvador:
Compared with Canada
Charlie Munger says fiat currency are going to zero.
Even after all that you see happening in the world, some people still have not taken the time to bitcoin
The world leaders are getting increasingly desperate for people to comply, you can see it in their language and see it in their body language. They try to paint people in certain ways, but with the internet, we can all see through their lies. What the internet has done is that it has democratised information. It allows people to talk to people.
Protest in Paris. More from Paris. French politician are now calling for freedom.
In Italy today 500.000 unvaccinated citizens over 50 years old will be suspended from work and left without salary. President Mario Draghi: “The unvaccinated are not part of our society“. Italian restaurant that require vaccine passport are empty because everyone is eating outside.
The Austrian Government has done a massive U-turn on vaccine passports. From March 5th, the unvaccinated will be allowed back into restaurants, cafes and bars. Mandatory vaccination law now unlikely to be implemented (still a wait and see). Switzerland drops most Covid measures, returns to near-normalcy. The Dutch government has put aside it’s COVID pass.
MEP Cristian Terheș condemns Ursula von der Leyen for striking back-door deals with Big Pharma while removing all transparency from the European public. “We became objects of these people! They strip away our rights because they have commercial agreements. This is unacceptable!” Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić talking about the state of Europe. Here’s a picture that highlights the times we are in.
Here’s what happen if you refuse a COVID test in NZ, you will get your bank account frozen and arrest warrant issued. For ten days in a row, New Zealanders are protesting and sleeping in front of Parliament to end vaxx mandates. The media asks the Prime Minister of New Zealand why are her people protesting her leadership. Her response: my people are easily duped and stupid.
China has begin testing bikes, poultry, vegetables & furniture for COVID. In Hong Kong, zero COVID brings small businesses to their knees.
Nigeria destroys over 1 million vaccines.
How’s that invasion of Ukraine going?
Seems like Trump was right about Hillary. Also Donald Trump Jr:
A North Carolina dad dropped the mic at his school board meeting. From the US, there is always one stupid person:
Translating the below – When the data no longer fits our narrative, we’ll just stop publishing it. Because the entire covid story will collapse if we do publish.
Stakeholder capitalism is stupid for the same reason don’t we let footballers call their own faults, and call it stakeholder football.
Dan Andrew without a mask around high school kids with mask.
Work from home still recommended in Victoria.
Because of “Science”, police one day with mask and next day without mask. Arresting a dangerous lady in the wheelchair
There was a bit of u-turn Victorian gov wanted to force triple jab on parents to forbid them from attending any school events or even taking their kids into the classroom.
Creepy ad for quarantine camp now open in Queensland. Same energy as the below.
Here’s is Melbourne’s quarantine camp, designed to imprison healthy people coming into the country who don’t have COVID cause they got tested, but who are unvaccinated. It has employed 500 people to manage the 10 unvaccinated on Monday, basically it will run as a loss. Generally speaking unvaccinated tourist aren’t allowed to travel to Australia, and why would they come to pay $1,100 to be in jail for a week. What a waste of tax payers money. Should have built it next to the desalanation plant.
Translating the below – Just got a letter in the mail to update the expiry date of my milk by 3 months. They say it will still be safe and effective. I will do everything the Government tells me to do!
Question, why do GP get paid $74.90 per patient they inject with the COVID vaccine? This one from Australian politician saying that doctors are immune to any law suit and if you get injured from the jab then it’s your own fault makes me furious.
When you go to vote later this year in Australia, remember that numbering is important, that’s why they hand out those how to vote pamphlet at the gates. To send a message people need to put ALL the major poltical parties in the last spots. Here’s an explaination using marbles on how the voting system in Australia works.
We were told that the spike protein and mRNA only last a few hours, however it’s turning out that it can exist in the body 8 weeks later.
New Study suggest that the myocarditis risk is as high as 133x after vaccination.
Here’s what normalising heart issues from the vaccine looks like
The insanity continues Kangaroos AFL player Jed Anderson given until Monday to decide if he’ll take the Covax. He’s hesitant, because he suffered a severe Adverse Reaction to the First Jab. The Club Doctor is REFUSING to give him an exemption…
A Cardiac nurse working in St George Hospital, NSW gives a disturbing account of the adverse reactions she has seen. People are falling over in public so often, here’s some case studies to watch
- Austrian MP, Eva-Maria Holzleitner, fainting in October 2021 while giving a speech.
- Danish politician faints live on air.
- Brazilian news anchor falls over.
- German news broadcaster faints while discussing mandate.
- Nurse faints while live on air.
- 3 Ohio judges die within 9 days.
- Footballer collapses on field due to heart attack.
- Why does a tennis player need a wheelchair at the end of a match?
Same guy below, lesson is don’t virtue signal online.
The science is settled? That guy is pathetic . But that’s what I like about Joe Rogan, he will have everyone on, and then we get to decide if someone is a moron or not.
Spanish Judge – “the injections are not vaccines“. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is so furious about all that’s been happening.
Bill Gates (keyword here is “Sadly”): “Sadly the virus itself – particularly the variant called Omicron – is a type of vaccine, creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it’s done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines.” Remember when Anthony Fauci said AIDS was airborne, let’s try and not fall for that trick when the AIDS pandemic is declared.
Novak’s interview on the BBC in case you missed it. He has had zero doses of vaccine and is willing to not play in grand slams again.
10 year old don’t have heart attacks, that’s vaccine injury. Dr Hodkinson says stop putting experimental vaccine in people especially pregant women.
Same energy as this
Parents are suppose to protect kids.
This is the election strategy?
Climate Change
Let’s check how that climate change is going.
Can someone explain to me where people go to toilet in this floating town?
Solving climate change by masking your car exhaust?
Please don’t have the Xue Hua Piao Piao (雪花飘飘) attitude of “I give up”, and remember to keep dancing (French lockdown song that swept through Europe last year.). Culturally usually the songs reflect the mood of the period we are in, the english world hasn’t caught up yet. Have a great week all!