Bit of a change in format this week. The trial which is effectively Nuremberg 2.0 has started on Feb 5th 2022, and will lay out the evidence for charges of crimes against humanity against most of our current world leaders. The opening address by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here and should be the starting point of this week. Here’s some info on who is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich? He and a group of prominent lawyers from around the world will present the case backed up by many distinguished experts in their fields. It sounds like they have connected all the dots that I have progressively laid out over the weekly updates. Neil Oliver has also come to the same conclusion in his latest monologue.
Also the final federal court order in the US has been issued the FDA must produce all document in the next 6 months relating to the approval of the vaccines.
It’s going to be interesting what they have been hiding because the FDA wanted to have Pfizer come in and help redact (aka hide) information. What comes next in the world events from here should be closely watched.
Up until this point I have said that said getting vaccinated was each person personal choice and one should not discriminate. It’s still your choice. But I will tell you one message, and it will be hard to hear for some people:
STOP getting vaccinated NOW.
Hold off. Friends don’t let friends get vaccinated at this stage.
Start looking for another job today if your job requires you to vaccinate.
(Btw have you seen Shaq as undercover Lyft driver?)
The next part of this week’s weekly update will cover “Bitcoin Basics” and just me documenting what I didn’t finish explaining a few weeks ago in person. The bitcoin bit is coming first because I view is as IMPORTANT, in the world we are going into. And then the usual weekly update follows after that of all the interesting things I’ve come across over the last week. Feel free to skip downwards if you already understand bitcoin.
It’s a long one this week, so LFG.
Bitcoin Basics
A few weeks ago I was making a comment (in person) about El Salvador’s Volcano mining from geothermal energy. And the comment was made that they “didn’t understand the whole energy and mining thing”.
And because of this I’ve come to realise we use a whole lot of terms in bitcoin that makes no sense to the average person. So I will explain it in the way I understand it and how I originally got to understand bitcoin. Now don’t be worried I will go in a way that’s not too technical so that you can understand the high level concepts.
Understanding bitcoin involves taking a concept and then building upon it, and building upon it, and then building upon it. I was explaining this in person and it was close to midnight so I have documented this down so others can also benefit. However I still think it’s better to explain in person in a backward and forward dialogue so I can address any misunderstanding. Hopefully someone will find this useful and start you down the rabbit hole of bitcoin.
The concept of a distributed ledger
At a high level the concept of a distributed ledger. It means that everyone is tracking everything and we no longer rely on a trusted central authority (such as a bank / central bank / government authority) to tell us what is true. In the same way as 1 + 1 = 2, it’s a universal truth. Or when someone give you a $10 dollar note, you can check and verify for yourself that it’s a valid note, you don’t need to call up the central bank to read out the serial number for them to verify.
The example I always use when I’m explaining to a room full of other people is I will give everyone a piece of paper, and on that piece of paper everyone writes down all the transactions that take place in the room. Bob starts off with $20. Bob pays Alice $10, Alice pays Carol $5. Everyone writes every single transaction down on their paper. Everyone now knows about those transactions. They can each individually verify the history and work out how much money everyone has. So we know Bob now has $10, Alice has $5, Carol has $5. Now if Alice tries to pay Carol $20, everyone will look through their piece of paper and can independently verify that Alice doesn’t have the money to do that, and so that transaction is rejected by everyone in the room. This circumvents the need for a central authority like a bank to invalidate that transaction.
So in bitcoin everyone is tracking everything in the whole world, ALL the time. At any point a single person can go through their piece of paper and verify and check the history of everything for themselves.
And when I say everyone can track everything, it’s all done through software. Automation if you will.
The concept of mining
Mining is a funny term, conceptually when we think about mining, we should think of it like digging gold out of the ground. In the current environment you need energy to power the large digging machine to find the gold, dig it out, transport it, refine it.
Now go back to the gold rush days, it was easy to find gold in the rivers, you can go pan for the gold and it didn’t cost any extra energy. As time goes on all the surface level gold would disappear, so then over time you would need a shovel, and then large and large digging machines to go deeper and deeper into the earth.
Now let’s bring that understanding over to bitcoin. We will use the concept of solving a sudoku puzzle. It’s hard to solve, but easy to verify that the solution is correct. And you can make the sudoku problem larger and larger, and as the sudoku problem gets larger, it gets hard and harder to solve (which means it basically requires more energy (more computing power) to solve. But verifying that it’s correct is still trivial compared to the amount of time / energy it took to solve the problem. The sudoku problem gets larger and larger the more people you have helping to solve it. This is to ensure that even if you bring more people into the room to help you solve the sudoku problem, it still takes the same amount of time to solve.
Bringing mining and the distributed ledger together.
Now let’s bring those two concepts together. what happens in our distributed ledger situation is that you are recording the transaction on a single piece of paper and verifying that that person has the money to spend, and at the end of the 10mins, a sudoku problem is announced, the difficulty depends on how many people are in the room at that current time. And so everyone races to solve the sudoku problem. When someone thinks they have found the solution to the problem they announce it to everyone in the room, and everyone checks the proposed solution. If they find out that person cheated, that person gets kicked out of the room. If you have in fact solved the problem correctly, you receive an award of newly minted coins. It’s currently 6.25 bitcoins at the moment, which you can assign to your own name, and since you won the competition, everyone accepts that you won and you now have 6.25 bitcoins to your name. And so we all start with a fresh new piece of paper and start recording transactions all over again until the next 10 min is up, and we play the sudoku problem all over again.
The important thing to note about this is each piece of paper has a reference to the previous piece of paper, and the papers are stacked on top of one another. Over time you will have a big stack of paper in front of you. Each paper we can call a block, and each block links back to one another, and hence we have the concept of the word blockchain.
Over time for someone to want to change a transaction on a lower piece of paper is incredibly difficult. Cause they would need to go back down your stack, change the transaction and then solve each sudoku problem that has happened since that paper you adjusted. In the meantime everyone is moving ahead in their pieces of paper that they are adding to their own stack in front of them. And in order to convince everyone in the room to accept the new stack of paper as true you would need to have a stack that’s higher than everyone else. You cannot just adjust the transaction at the bottom of the stack, and then have everyone accept it, as each sudoku problem is uniquely link to the previous piece of paper. That’s where the security of the bitcoin network can be found.
Private public key.
So what stops me from impersonating Bob and spending his coins? We now introduce the concept of the private public key cryptography. The best way I found to think about this is, if you go to a post office, they usually have post office boxes. Walls upon walls of letter boxes that if you have the key to one of the letter boxes you can open and you can access the content. Now imagine a wall of post office boxes, but they are clear so you can clearly see how much is in each box, also like any letter box there’s a slot for you to put things into it. If you have the keys to a box, you can spend the money in that box by proving you can open that box, taking the content out of the box and putting in the letter box that you want to send coins to. At any point in time anyone can see what’s in each box cause it’s transparent. And that is how private public key cryptography works. The same cryptography that is used to protect your internet banking, the nuclear launch codes. So if someone was trying to hack it, then they would also be able to hack those other things. Also since each post office box doesn’t have a name attached to it, it only has a number. So it makes it kind of anonymous. It’s not exactly anonymous, because the analogy is that someone could be watching who comes and goes to access the boxes.
What is a wallet? A wallet you think is an item you keep your money in right? Well in bitcoin it’s kind of a bit misleading. A wallet in bitcoin terms can be thought of as a key chain, it contains a bunch of keys to access your post office box from the above analogy. So you want to keep access to your wallet private, in that if someone has access to the keys they have access to the bitcoin. So no money or coins are actually kept in your wallet, just keys.
So now that you understand that a wallet has no coins, and only keys. It’s time to upgrade your understanding that a wallet can generate addresses, and each address it generates it has the keys to it. And you can generate an unlimited amount of addresses.
Rules of bitcoin.
Now that you understand the main concepts, it’s also important to understand that the bitcoin network has a set of rules that the participants agreed on. If you do not follow those rules you essentially get kicked off the network, but should any number of people also follow the rules that you have set, the will follow you, and you essentially created what we call a fork in the network, where two networks are now created. The concept of forking comes from writing software code, and forking off the code to add additional changes. This has happened in the past before with the creation of “bitcoin cash”, where a minority of participants wanted a rule change that is equivalent of they wanted to use A3 paper instead of A4 paper to record their transactions, because you can fit more on a A3 piece of paper. And just to say at this point, NO ONE should be buying bitcoin cash, it’s a scam.
Some example of what are some rules of the network.
-You need to be able to prove you have control of the bitcoin that is in your address buy using your key to what we call sign the transaction.
-You need to correctly solve the mining sudoku problem to be awarded the bitcoin for the current block.
-Each block is 1mb in size. (the A4 size paper example)
-There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins.
21 million bitcoins.
Now might be wondering how the “there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin” is enforced. If you recall the block reward for solving the mining problem is 6.25 bitcoins at the moment. There is an issuance schedule that everyone is following. It’s that every 210,000 blocks (or pieces of paper from my example), the amount of reward is cut in half. 210,000 blocks is roughly 4 years, if you consider a block is found every 10mins.So at roughly 05 May 2024 14:20:27 the block reward will drop from 6.25 bitcoin to 3.125 bitcoins.
What this means is that you can draw a graph of the curve and predict with relative accuracy what the issuance of bitcoin will be until the final bitcoin is mined. It created a predictable monetary policy and there are a lot of implications to that from an economic standpoint. It removes the decision making of how much money is out there in the world as the supply of money is no longer controlled and manipulated by a small group of people at the US federal reserve, the European central bank, the RBA etc. It brings us back to a time when currency was backed by gold. It separates the state from money.
You can read more about the block reward halving.
Next level understanding of bitcoin’s blockchain.
Now I know that there’s a lot of holes in the analogy that I have given you, but that gives you a high level understanding of bitcoin. This is usually where talking through this in person really helps, cause then I can address and answer deeper questions and flaws you find in my analogy. So now hopefully with that high level understanding you can take it to the next level and actually understand the technical side should you so desire by going to explore the videos on this website about blockchain and public and private keys. You can also play with the demo of each concept that he has built on this website. This was really helpful for me to understanding how the technical aspect of bitcoin works, but I understand that it might be a bit technical for some people if they not that tech savvy.
Check out Fidelity Digital Asset report about bitcoin.
Weekly Update
Science is not done by consensus, it’s not majority rules. There’s an underlying reality. The job of science is to get closer to understanding what that underlying reality is. What is happening is people who are not used to going through a wide range of ideas have trouble reconciling what they’ve been told with what is true. There is no substitute for open discussion of things.
I keep a blog about everything I find that’s interesting to me. It’s mainly about documenting it for me. At the moment everything I seem to find run contrary to the mainstream narrative. That has never happen in all the years that I’ve been on the Internet. It’s like there’s a story that’s being told that’s different to what is actually happening in the real world, or what is actually happening is hidden from view. I find people’s personal stories and experience doesn’t fit with the mainstream narrative. People who have high amount of expertise in a field being silenced and labelled with “anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theories, far right extremist”.
We have lost a sense of humanity, something is not right.
People being censored and unwillingness by those in power to engage in any open discussion should tell you something. There’s so many holes in what is being said compared to the real world data coming from multiple parts of the world. It’s like people are stuck on sunk cost fallacy, because the gov has brought enough doses for 10 per person they need to get out there and be the marketing rep.
There are people who just blindly believe what dear leader is telling them, you would do well in North Korea. It’s not something for modern western society. I had thought we had moved on from feudal dictatorship, but apparently not.
For the majority of us, we are just ants, able to only see what is immediately around us and unable to take in the larger picture. Life is normal for the majority of us, but having to show your medical records to the person fresh out of uni serving you at the restaurant is not normal. Kids wearing mask to protect them for a virus that doesn’t affect them is not normal. Having a part of society excluded is not normal. Having the government go into so much debt is not normal.
People are either on the side of freedom, or people are on the side of comfort and control. There are only two sides to this coin. Look at the data and weigh it for yourself.
Vaccine Side effects
It is FUBAR at this point. Pfizer admits in Confidential Documents that its Covid-19 Vaccine may cause Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease; and real-world data now proves it definitely does. It does really start to seem like there is negative effectiveness of the vaccine, that the more you vaccinate yourself the more susceptible to Omicron.
Healthy people don’t get heart issues. Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra says that “Myocarditis risk higher from vaccine than Covid“. Here yet another 21 year old suffers cardiac arrest on the football field and dies.
The military know that all these unsafe things have been happening. Vaccine side effect for an orthopaedic surgeon who’s career is over now. “Israel: The vast majority of the deceased are vaccinated… They have seemingly gone through ‘immune erosion‘. We must gather more data and then decide (what to do)..”. Big Phama has become a drug mafia. Pfizer and Moderna have admitted it’s gene therapy.
Newspaper from South Africa. Looks like letters to the editor section.
NSW CHO is at it again, spruiking her 3 to 4 doses. Show us “the science” please, otherwise you are just a Pfizer sales person at this point.
The truth is coming out. Is the vaccine causing cancer? Don’t worry Pfizer have you covered.
Japan’s Kowa says Ivermectin showed ‘antiviral effect’ against Omicron. As the narrative keeps crumbling we all play a part in turning it from a rock slide into an avalanche.
If anyone has unexplained health issues since being vaccinated, even a few months afterwards (long term side effects), then you should start thinking if it’s side effect from vaccine. At the moment I see people we know present pretty classic “rare” side effects, but they don’t make the link that it could be vaccine related. It’s really frustrating to not say anything because people have come to believe and have so much faith in the vaccine and to approach that subject with them would lead to possible anger.
Bret Weinstein’s experience with getting Omicron and being unvaccinated and he was saying it’s like a light head cold. Essentially he was over it in a few days. At this point with this variant it’s essentially a none issue for most people now. I also agree with the point they mentioned that it’s hard to tell anything from the data any more because all he data stream has been polluted. (ie. if someone is in hospital because of COVID or because of vaccination or because of other reason etc). Even this report from Australian media trying to justify the numbers to keep the narrative going is full of so many flaws and missing data. All I got out of it was vaccine doesn’t work. Lots of people sick in hospital who have underlying issues most likely regardless of vaccination.
Joe Rogan is one of the podcasts I stopped listening to listen to he went to Spotify, mostly cause I didn’t have a Spotify account. And so with all the controversy, I created an account (it’s free btw), and I listened to the whole 7 hours of the two controversial episodes. And it was refreshing and quite an open discussion, and I couldn’t find where the misinformation was. I would invite you do have a listen for yourself and decide for yourself before it gets deleted. They have alrady deleted more than 113 of Joe’s podcast at this stage. Here is the one with Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patent. And the one with Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is a board-certified cardiologist. I just had it on in the background while I worked. (I currently have a 3 computer setup).
People in the funeral industry have warned they see an increase in death of kids and young people and saying do not vaccinated the kids. Parents in Switzerland mourn the death of their children by protesting with Pfizer coffins. There are now pages upon pages of children in Australia with vaccine injury. You can verify and go search DAEN for yourself. The Pfizer vaccine is under the drug named “Comirnaty”. Also there’s 134 cases of abortion spontaneous attributed to the vaccine in Australia alone. Probably brush it off as rare, but even 1 is 1 too many.
Here’s a sample.
This guys 10 year now has unexplained heart issues.
You won’t be able to see your child in hospital in WA if you have not fully up to date with your shots.
Parental rights mean nothing, they are going to make sick children sit in hospital in their most vulnerable moment without their mum or their dad.
Not just Australia – What kind of world are we living in where a mother cannot see her sick child in hospital. And same lady pleading for help I think.
The first child to die of COVID in Connecticut was actually strangled by her drug addicted mother, but used as propaganda to cause fear by the people in power.
Canada’s Freedom Convoy
Trudeau is completely out of touch with the people. Here’s his speech against video of what is really happening. This guy from his personal security has resigned.
For Trudeau to introduce a vaccinate mandate at this point in time is basically just to punish those who have chosen not to comply.
This is the psychopath CHO in Canada, planning this since 2010. The Candian Transport minister starts giving you health advice, makes as much sense as someone taking dental and stock advice from their neighbour. Canada is devoid of leadership. Maybe there’s hope cause Pierre Poilievre has declared he will run for PM. (And in Canadian French) He is pro-freedom and pro-bitcoin. Pro-bitcoin meaning separate state and money.
Here’s what news reports are saying. Canadians must now get the unbiased truth from India News. – “Is he getting a haircut??”
Tucker Carlson shreds Justin Trudeau.
The police thought they were going to start arresting people and then people came and boxed them in, in -22 degree weather. Calgary joins the trucks in Ottawa. More farmers headed for Ontario.
Here is what an ethical and rational voice looks like in Canada. Does this guy doesn’t look like a far right extremist. Free food is being given out. Protesters shovelling snow. Pizza making. Truckers playing hockey. Giving out hugs.
Canadian kids march through school protesting about mask.
Here are some speeches coming out of Canada – Heartfelt speech from Dr. Julie Ponesse that sent a chill down my spine. Pastor Artur Artur Pawlowski gives an impassioned speech to Canadian truckers, telling them to hold the line. Recounting the experience from Poland during the Iron curtain. Come out and show yourself before the people come after you. Powerful speech on the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms by Brian Peckford, the last surviving member who helped write it back in 1981.
The police chief is threatening any police officer who helps the protesters with food and water. Essentially if you are a police officer holding a cheese sandwich and a biscuit, expect to be disciplined! The police have asked tow truck company to come tow the trucks out, and every company said they have COVID…. imagine that. Toronto police caught off guard by the number of farmers coming into the city to protest with their tractors. We still waiting to see if he will turn the military against it’s own citizen.
At the request of Trudeau, GoFundMe has just stolen $9,000,000 from the truckers. Rather than automatically refunding it to the donors, they say they’re going to give it to groups of their own choosing. What a windfall for Black Lives Matter, Greenpeace and Planned Parenthood! To fight back the people who donated money have gone to dispute it with their credit card, which will result in a $15 charge back to GoFundMe. They intend to cause lots of financial pain to GoFundMe with charge backs. People leaving huge amount of 1 star reviews. The company has basically destroyed themselves. Game over. Someone updated wikipedia. “Type of site: Theft”
People in Canada who want all the current mandates because of sunk cost fallacy. Watch this “pro mandates” video.
The protest will not stop until all mandates and restrictions are lifted. So how will it end? The politicians are going to get their “experts” to change “the science”, and they will roll back the mandates and say “we are just following “the science”, it wasn’t the truckers and farmers that changed our minds.
State of the world.
The current pandemic has been brought about because the WHO had changed the way a pandemic was defined according to MEP Mislav Kolakusic. Spreading COVID disinformation could soon land you in jail in the UK. Question is who decides what is disinformation. Here are some examples of the disinformation that you’ve probably all heard from mainstream media. Here’s some directly from the mouth of leaders themselves.
Fauci and his friends were moving to burner phones to try and cover up the leak from Wuhan labs.
Getting back to normal means scanning your ID at every location to let the gov know where you are going is not back to normal. “What you got is Three groups of people, Two of these groups have allowed this agenda to unfold, and these Two groups are responsible for every ‘tyranny’ in human history.”. This is that world that’s coming.
“We have evidence of the Russians are about to invade“. Simple saying that statement without anything to back it up is not evidence. Sounds like the western world is about to go to war with Russia/China with the same pretext as the Iraq WMD argument. i.e. zero evidence. Remember when footage from a firing range in Kentucky was used to make claims about Syria. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shows you where legalised insider trading can get you.
Guy in NZ is on hungry strike in quarantine because authorities won’t let him go a few kms down the road to see his dying father.
Protest in Finland’s capital. Truckers and farmers in Germany. German police gets annoyed and then they end up decking the guy..
Excluded from bars and restaurant in Italy? No problems, go al fresco.
French Police with the baton out ready to smash. French farmers pour crap outside government buildings. Here is a look back of 5 years of censorship in France. Huge protest in Paris again.
Here’s what being held down and force injected looks like in India. This lady also. Here they cut a hole in the guy shirt to inject him.
What is currently happening in the world sounds very similar to Mao’s cultural revolution?
There are essentially more than 900,000 people who have not received a single dose of vaccine in Australia, who are essentially excluded from participating in society.
Not sure why they need to be excluded and segregated.
Apparently all being done for a “vaccinated economy”. Here’s what that economy looks like
Proof of vaccination is required to vote soon?
‘The argument vaccinations are crucial in blocking transmission has fallen over. The proposition you are vaccinating to protect others no longer stands up. The virus is spreading well enough among the doubled jabbed, thank you very much.’
Similar truck protest in Canberra Australia. Who are singing Waltzing Matilda. Police are seen pushing women.
Welcome to Australia where you are arrested in the shopping centre for not checking in.
How many lies can you spot in this Dan Andrew speech.
Oh, look what is trending on twitter. The only way to use twitter is from the computer, using their TweetDeck site.
Mass Stupidity.
Mayor Garcetti says he held his breath for maskless photo with Magic Johnson.
He is using Bill Clinton’s argument and basically saying “he didn’t inhale“.
The bar tender at the Olympics is basically in a full hazmat suit, mixing up a cocktail. The real competition is whether the 2022 Beijing Olympics topped the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
How not to mask….
Pretty embarrassing at this stage. Facebook stocks are down massively. How are these guys not out of business yet.
The Great Reset.
What am I reading at the moment? Principals for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio from Bridgewaters. Just started the introduction, and I’m sucked in.
A book that I will recommend that you have a go at is Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman. The average human lifespan is absurdly, outrageously, insultingly brief- if you live to 80, you have about four thousand weeks on earth. How should we use them best? His message is for everyone to chill out, your not going to change the world and be the next Einstein, Elon Musk etc. So just focus making a difference in the things that make you happy and contribute to the people around you. And not to stress over to-do list.
Jodan Peterson went from being one of the biggest atheist to believing in god. It’s a heart breaking video as he talks about his journey. I am not “religious”, but I believe in something that I cannot explain, and I think he has found the right “message”.
Dealing with hungry ghost talk from Thich Nhat Hanh. In Buddhist tradition we have this thing called hungry ghost – which is to say a spirit who cannot leave. The reason he explains why these spirits cannot leave is because they have lost their roots. Roots to the ancestors and roots to their spirituality. Roots to your ancestors get broken because you’ve lost connection to your parents because you were angry at them. That is to say if you don’t have good relations with your parents, you need to find compassion in your heart. Err I’m not sure why this come across my feeds this week. But conveniently it comes at the same time Jess was telling me about a family member who lives alone in a house and they have a ghost in the basement. It’s in an area of France where there was a battle from one of the last world wars. Two colleges of hers have gone to check it out and apparently they come back up scared sh!tless. The ghost has also come into her room when she’s in bed, there was temperature drop, and she could feel a breathing cold breath above her. I’ve been to her place! And let’s just say we not staying there again until the basement issue is dealt with!
Powerful images from Thich Nhat Hanh’s Funeral Procession & Cremation. The whole thing was live streamed on the Plum Village channel. And when I say the whole thing I mean everything from when the body was put in the casket to when the cremation fire started. The huge tall casket, monk chanting, motorcade brought back memories of my grandparents funeral in Vietnam.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Thich Nhat Hanh – “We all have a cosmic body“. We are made from the same atoms that once came from our star. Think of it like the wave at the sea has a wave body, and it also has an ocean body, once the wave dies, it becomes part of the ocean again. In the same way as a cloud has a cloud body and it also has an ocean body. There comes a time when the cloud turns back into rain and flows back into the ocean. At times when we mediate deeply enough we can reach/see/feel the cosmic body.
Thanks for reading me. Have a great week all!