Is there a week where the number of active cases doesn’t move higher in the world? Unfortunately it’s not this week...we now at 3,198,287 active cases world wide. 373,351 dead. No new big spikes in numbers in Australia Currently we down to 73 … [Read more]
Diagnosing your Internet speed Issues. Update 25-05-2020
The world moves higher again, with now 2,954,720 active cases. 346,512 dead. Not much has changed in Australia from a high level view. Currently we down to 86 active cases in Victoria, down from 123 last week. If you haven’t heard the news, from … [Read more]
Know Yourself. Update 18-05-2020
According to Howard Marks the Co-chairman of Oaktree Capital, the question isn’t when will we all be back at work, the right question you should be asking is when you are going to be getting back on a packed train. Because if you find the answer to … [Read more]
What the future could look like. Update 11-05-2020
All those people who say that one person can’t change the world, well obviously they have never eaten an under cooked bat. The world continues to track higher, with 4,131,034 confirmed cases worldwide, 2,396,831 still active, and of those 281,014 … [Read more]
List of books and apps. Update 04-05-2020
I know, it’s a bit late today. Was cleaning my desk and the home office this morning. I think I've done a good job. :D The world has had 3,565,120 cases with 2,164,032 still active. This is the only chart that I’m really looking at for Australia. … [Read more]
Check your news sources. Update 27-04-2020
Did you ever notice that every disaster movie begins with the scientist being ignored? Not much interesting happening in Australia, the new cases per day is so low at the moment, when you consider the below is for Australia wide, and Victoria is … [Read more]