1484 active cases in Victoria. 57 in hospital, 16 of those are taking up space in ICU Up compared with 543 active Victorian cases last week. Have we peaked yet? Probably not, it’s only 1 week into stage 3 restrictions. Maybe expecting >2000 … [Read more]
Vic Vs Aus. Update 06-07-2020
Unless you’ve been living in a cave the last week, you would know the major focus in Australia has been Victoria's numbers. We are now at 560 active cases in Australia, and of those 543 is in Victoria!! That’s more than double the 233 active … [Read more]
Sleep Faster. Update 29-06-2020
The world at a glance. To put into perspective where Australia is at. Red is bad, green is good. Orange means it’s improving. We’ve surpassed 10.2mil total cases worldwide. Currently there's 4,232,609 active cases worldwide. The worst being the US … [Read more]
Lifting Weights. Update 22-06-2020
Remember last week when we were at 44 active cases in Vic?!? Well we’re at 123 now! ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE. Triple. Well that escalated very quickly. See all the blue below, that’s all VIC new cases compared to the rest of the country on a day … [Read more]
Statues Fight Back. Update 15-06-2020
So I needed to take public transport the other day to go into the city. It wasn’t peak hour and so everyone could social distance. Anyway everyone is sitting there eyeing everyone off. Looking at everyone suspiciously. And then this one guy coughed … [Read more]
Preparing for an economic depression. Update 09-06-2020
Welcome to this week’s update. Well as you expect, the number of active cases is up again in the world compared to last week. - 3,298,242. And the number who have died is at 407,406. No big spikes of new cases in Australia. Number of active across … [Read more]